
Aegis Authenticator

395 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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23 Jun 2024
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat joined the room.15:07:43

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.
  6. My phone is not rooted.
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.
  6. My phone is not rooted.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone.

Any guidance available would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much

@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.
  6. My phone is not rooted.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone.
Do I have any options other than to purchase another new screen?

Any guidance available would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much

@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.
  6. My phone is not rooted.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone.
Do I have any options other than to purchase another new screen?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much

@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro, running LineageOS.
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.
  6. My phone is not rooted.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone.
Do I have any options other than to purchase another new screen?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much

@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro, running LineageOS, unrooted.
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. The phone now works again after drying out and disconnecting the battery for a while
  6. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone.
Do I have any options other than to purchase another new screen?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much

@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat *

Hi there. Apologies to be that guy who joins with a problem, however I have one which I'd like to get developer thoughts on.
Here's my situation.

  1. I have a Pixel 6 Pro, running LineageOS, unrooted.
  2. I neglected to take a backup like a dummy
  3. My phone became water damaged due to a bad screen seal during a screen replacement I performed
  4. My screen became damaged while hastily removing it
  5. The phone now works again after drying out and disconnecting the battery for a while
  6. I cannot use screen mirroring with Aegis to export/backup, presumably due to a security feature of the application.

I'm trying to get my app data exported or my authenticator content backed up somehow so I can transfer it to my new phone. I'm also assuming that the appdata is fairly protected due to the nature of the application.
Do I have any options other than to purchase another new screen?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much

24 Jun 2024
@anibyl:beeper.com@anibyl:beeper.comIf you have debugging enabled on your phone, you might be able to use scrcpy13:46:34
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen That's an unfortunate situation... Scrcpy was the first thing that popped up in my head as well, it might be possible to navigate through the app even if you see a black screen but I don't know that for sure. 14:20:43
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenIt's definitely worth a try14:20:55
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatUnfortunately, that's what I'm using for screen mirroring. From what little I can see on the phone screen itself, it displays just fine there, but shows all black in scrcpy14:36:55
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatIt's just Aegis that does this, too14:37:11
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat * Hey, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, that's what I'm using for screen mirroring. From what little I can see on the phone screen itself, it displays just fine there, but shows all black in scrcpy14:37:46
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenI know it's very finicky but have you tried using scrcpy to actually control the app? Even though the app shows all black14:38:59
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoat * It's just Aegis that does this, too. other apps display fine, which is why I assumed it was intentional for security purposes14:39:00
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenPerhaps the FLAG_SECURE setting in our app only limits you from seeing the actual screen, but maybe it doesn't stop the app from retrieving taps/touches through scrcpy14:40:11
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatYes. that does work, however the display itself on the phone is barely recognizable. I was able to recognize that I successfully navigated to some kind of dialog or menu, however I couldn't make out exactly what I was looking at14:41:03
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenThat definitely sounds like you have a good chance of recovering your vault then14:41:45
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenMy advice would be to either have an emulator running Aegis next to it so you know where to press in scrcpy, or I can send you some screenshots of where to press to disable the FLAG_SECURE setting14:42:25
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenIsn't ideal but it's a solution14:42:49
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatHey, if it has a chance of working and I don't have to spend 50 bucks and wait 2-8 weeks for a new screen to show up off aliexpress, I'll certainly try it!14:43:36
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenHaha understandable! I'm not sure if I can be of much help but please let me know if you need some guidance/assistance, more than happy to help.14:44:31
@tugpoat:matrix.orgtugpoatOf course. Thank you very much for your advice, I'll keep you updated. i should be able to load aegis up on an emulator or old phone, I might still have android-studio emerged on my laptop14:45:14
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgenThat's perfect! If the emulator won't work out I'll send you over some screenshots, then you can just "guess" where to press in scrcpy based on those screenshots. Good luck! Please keep us updated14:47:00
@michaelschattgen:matrix.orgmichaelschattgen Also thank you Sieva for your input :) 14:47:16
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL-AI.20:21:58
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL-AI to LjL.21:27:23
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ set a profile picture.21:40:49
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ changed their profile picture.21:41:24

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