
Aegis Authenticator

396 Members
Discussion surrounding the development of Aegis Authenticator48 Servers

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21 Aug 2024
@kesha:necker.iokesha joined the room.03:30:28
22 Aug 2024
@ayoubab:matrix.orgAyoub Abedrabbo joined the room.19:44:50
@ayoubab:matrix.orgAyoub AbedrabboHi. I'm unable to import my Google Authenticator QR codes by scanning or by scanning an image. It gets stuck on code 2, 3, and 4.19:45:10
@ayoubab:matrix.orgAyoub AbedrabboDoes anyone have any solution for this?19:45:15
@ayoubab:matrix.orgAyoub AbedrabboSadly the scan qr code feature is not able to get qr codes well. 19:50:58
@ayoubab:matrix.orgAyoub AbedrabboSomehow I got it working. I just had to lower the brightness of the other phone to the very lowest.20:00:43
28 Aug 2024
@anibyl:beeper.com@anibyl:beeper.com left the room.17:05:44
3 Sep 2024
@papawjd:matrix.org@papawjd:matrix.org left the room.02:55:17
9 Sep 2024
@unrealhooman:matrix.org@unrealhooman:matrix.org joined the room.02:12:08
@unrealhooman:matrix.org@unrealhooman:matrix.org left the room.02:14:21
@lcsten:tedomum.netLcsTen joined the room.19:10:41
10 Sep 2024
@robinsch:matrix.org@robinsch:matrix.org left the room.14:03:50
13 Sep 2024
@fruitss:matrix.orgfruitss joined the room.06:21:16
@fruitss:matrix.orgfruitssHi, I just exported my aegis vault to a file, then reset my phone, then moved the file back.06:21:50
@fruitss:matrix.orgfruitssi'm trying to re-import it and it's asking for a password? when exporting i make sure to disable the encrypting option06:22:16
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakkerAegis does not ask for a password for plain text vaults, so I think you might have mistakenly exported an encrypted one06:55:23
17 Sep 2024
@xenom0rph:matrix.orgxenom0rph joined the room.18:12:07
@xenom0rph:matrix.orgxenom0rphhello if you enable the Android backup option in Aegis but it always shows no backups even if android backup has run then what is the issue?18:12:39
@svdc:matrix.org@svdc:matrix.org left the room.20:11:20
18 Sep 2024
@pokon548:bukn.ukBu Kun | Busy, probably not respond changed their profile picture.05:20:52
@flame-0:matrix.org@flame-0:matrix.org joined the room.06:22:19
@flame-0:matrix.org@flame-0:matrix.org left the room.06:22:29
19 Sep 2024
@soomanywigwams:matrix.orgsoomanywigwams joined the room.22:53:43
@soomanywigwams:matrix.orgsoomanywigwamsHello all, I am currently using the app RSAF to register a dropbox or sftp backend to the storage access framework so that aegis is able to autobackup directly there without any apps running in the background on my phone. Compared to using Round Sync or Rclone over termux and Tasker, this is significantly more lightweight and requires no app to periodically check if backups are synced. However I'm concerned about this tidbit from RSAF's limitations described in its readme: "Client applications may not be able to detect when errors occur. Android's document provider API doesn't provide a way to properly report errors for certain operations, like listing a directory. Some apps may treat an error (null response) and an empty directory as the same." This sounds problematic for something that's getting used to backup my totp tokens. Do all storage access framework based backup targets have this issue, or could I fix it by switching to something like Nextcloud's native app? RSAF link: https://github.com/chenxiaolong/RSAF . This app presents rclone/cloud remotes as a slot in SAF Round Sync link: https://github.com/newhinton/Round-Sync . This app does the same thing, and provides the option to sync on an interval, however it requires running in the background, draining battery.23:10:21
@soomanywigwams:matrix.orgsoomanywigwamsRound Sync's implementation does not inspire hope either: Adding local storage (SAF) Feature Quality: Beta, data loss can occur but generally shouldn’t. Android 11 (“R”) does not work for storage root. Starting in Android 10, applications no longer have direct access to user-visible file storage. As a result, rclone can no longer access your files using standard Linux file APIs and your “local” remotes won’t be very useful. Starting in version 1.9.0, rcx features a new storage frontend/backend system that uses the Storage Access Framework, an Android 4.4+ system for managing file and file tree-like content. You must enable this feature in Settings> File Access>Enable SAF Client Preview. Then you can add any SAF-accessible storage location using Add Storage. This will launch the system’s file manager, allowing you to grant access to any storage location.23:37:34
20 Sep 2024
@krisu:matrix.orgkrisu (aegis-icons maintainer)Just heads up: aegis-icons project in now officially abandoned, repo is archived. Thanks everyone for your help and support. https://github.com/aegis-icons/aegis-icons/issues/931#issuecomment-236248906900:53:24
@krisu:matrix.orgkrisu (aegis-icons maintainer)* Just heads up: aegis-icons project is now officially abandoned, repo is archived. Thanks everyone for your help and support. https://github.com/aegis-icons/aegis-icons/issues/931#issuecomment-236248906901:30:50
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): The end of an era! Thanks for all the hard work on this over the years. It was (and still) is a great addition to Aegis 12:31:45
@alexbakker:matrix.orgalexbakker * krisu (aegis-icons maintainer): The end of an era! Thanks for all the hard work on this over the years. It was (and still is) a great addition to Aegis 12:32:00

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