
Dendrite Alerts

1026 Members
Release notifications and other important information for Dendrite homeserver administrators650 Servers

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3 Jul 2024
@itzzen:constellatory.netallissa changed their profile picture.09:33:37
4 Jul 2024
@niuzas22:matrix.orgniuzas22 changed their profile picture.07:30:24
@etono:hen-gine.se@etono:hen-gine.se joined the room.21:07:31
@etono:hen-gine.se@etono:hen-gine.se left the room.21:18:50
@legacy:issou.tech@legacy:issou.tech left the room.21:41:58
6 Jul 2024
@dr_styki:corsair.shdr_Styki joined the room.15:29:42
8 Jul 2024
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.00:51:07
@milky:milky.horseMilky joined the room.09:52:32
@patrick:saneke.euPatrick joined the room.14:01:20
9 Jul 2024
@nethad:nethad.ionethad changed their profile picture.07:35:41
10 Jul 2024
@intruzek3:matrix.orgintru joined the room.11:03:08
@aklsh:matrix.aklsh.meAkilesh Kannan joined the room.17:26:11
@aklsh:matrix.aklsh.meAkilesh Kannan changed their display name from aklsh to Akilesh Kannan.18:02:22
13 Jul 2024
@yemou:butwho.orgyemou joined the room.04:21:29
@yemou:butwho.orgyemou 08:17:08
@yemou:butwho.orgyemou 08:40:57
@itzzen:constellatory.netallissa changed their display name from allissa | 🇵🇸 to allissa.16:32:42
14 Jul 2024
@jjacobs:jhjacobs.nl@jjacobs:jhjacobs.nl joined the room.12:33:32
@jjacobs:jhjacobs.nl@jjacobs:jhjacobs.nl left the room.12:40:23
@justhm228:matrix.org@justhm228:matrix.org joined the room.18:22:28
@justhm228:matrix.org@justhm228:matrix.org left the room.18:37:01
21 Jul 2024
@onymix:onymix.euOnymix joined the room.22:50:13
23 Jul 2024
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.05:29:57
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:19
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.21:51:37
25 Jul 2024
@milky:milky.horseMilky changed their profile picture.22:41:31
26 Jul 2024
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching joined the room.14:52:49
@otime:matrix.orgKony joined the room.17:52:23
@nick:nickfreeman.deNick removed their profile picture.20:36:42
@nick:nickfreeman.deNick changed their display name from nick to Nick.20:36:51

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