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Discussion about the APL language18 Servers

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9 Sep 2021
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisbut will other ignored paradigms gain new vigour?16:00:13
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisor are we stuck with FP and class OO?16:00:26
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ If you're a cuck, yes. 16:00:43
In reply to @eris:chat.unix.lgbt
or are we stuck with FP and class OO?
anarcho capitalism: class structure but no state
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Just have fun with whatever language you want 16:00:55
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisno i mean in the main stream16:01:01
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisim having fun here16:01:07
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisi dont care what's going into the 70 docker containers at the latest startup but it's interesting to think about16:01:56
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ I guess that's fair 16:02:04
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ It would be nice to have more diverse paradigms, I do think most popular languages can be used interchangeably 16:02:36
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Both in ideas and domain 16:02:52
@eris:chat.unix.lgbterisstuff like haskell, rust, f#, etc are serious considerations for new businesses16:02:53
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507#1964 the more people from dyalog speak the less confidence I have in them 16:03:02
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507#1964 lmfao 16:03:03
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Unfortunately relatable 16:03:15
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Once we get dyalog --script file.apl Dyalog's popularity will rise by 7000% 16:04:00
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507#1964 lmao true 16:04:04
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507#1964 idk 16:04:10
@_discord_166910808305958914:t2bot.ioRazetime#5187 i've found OO good as long as my classes are smal 16:05:34
In reply to @_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io
Imo most people don't judge languages based on their features or ease of productivity, but purely on the way they relate to the language emotionally.
...which is somewhat correlates with language features or productivity
@_discord_481224913508630531:t2bot.ioDoT joined the room.22:08:53
10 Sep 2021
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Apparently ^ is an APL primitive, never new that 13:33:30
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Oh nvm, it's just funky font rendering 13:33:51
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ I thought the logical and was it's own glyph 13:34:19
@dzaima:matrix.orgdzaima ^ and are synonyms in some APLs 13:34:22
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ Ah, okay. 13:34:42
@loke:dhsdevelopments.comloke dzaima which ones don't allow both? 13:35:01

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