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13 Jan 2025
@loke:dhsdevelopments.comloke Yes. That's true. I was only thinking about cases where the size of is very small (like 2 or 3). 14:02:50
@_discord_651823008347979793:t2bot.ioa.brudz No, but it isn't going to be much more than twice as expensive as the simple 14:05:48
@_discord_811990065394745374:t2bot.iobjorkdi5cord changed their display name from bjorkdi5cord#0 to bjorkdi5cord.14:13:44
@_discord_476172910839726110:t2bot.ioshad.ow 19:06:19
14 Jan 2025
@sienet_ja_lsd:matrix.orglaulurastasAPL font as webfont, how to do? where to load it from?17:11:39
@_discord_1162491071339712644:t2bot.iopolylokh_39446 you do it in CSS. For BQN:
  font-family: BQN;
  src: url(/BQN386.ttf) format('truetype');
pre, code {
  font-family: BQN, monospace;
  font-weight: normal;
  font-size: 0.94em;
  letter-spacing: 0.2;

there's a font named "BQN", you can get it from the site itself (this could as easily be a remote URL) as a truetype font.
and in <pre> or <code> blocks, try to use that font, failing over to whatever the monospace font is.
@sienet_ja_lsd:matrix.orglaulurastashey thanks17:14:05
@_discord_1162491071339712644:t2bot.iopolylokh_39446 https://tryapl.org/style.css is pretty similar 17:14:40
@font-face {font-family: 'APL386';src: url('https://abrudz.github.io/APL386/APL386.ttf');}
@font-face {font-family: 'APL385';src: url('https://abrudz.github.io/APL386/APL385.ttf');}
@_discord_651823008347979793:t2bot.ioa.brudz I suspect GitHub Pages might be more responsive and reliable than TryAPL's server. 18:05:37
@_discord_506589628418097152:t2bot.iosilas can the webpage itself not provide the fonts? 19:39:21
@_discord_1162491071339712644:t2bot.iopolylokh_39446 conceivably, but if you're going to have more than one webpage it's already a loss to do that. 19:41:42
@_discord_1162491071339712644:t2bot.iopolylokh_39446 if you mean to ask if the font can be served alongside the HTML from the same website, yes that's my first example and what tryapl.org's CSS does. That's just a relative path in url() 19:43:30
@_discord_506589628418097152:t2bot.iosilas ah, right - that's what was thinking (I don't know CSS:) 19:44:07
@_discord_506589628418097152:t2bot.iosilas thought github might be issue given recent outage 19:44:41
@_discord_651823008347979793:t2bot.ioa.brudz that was build, not pages, and only half an hour over how long uptime‽ 19:52:00
@_discord_201716976924622849:t2bot.iotwobular 21:38:57
15 Jan 2025
@_discord_1024062732254843032:t2bot.ioen.de.lis changed their profile picture.03:48:39
@_discord_356107472269869058:t2bot.ioKamila i found out a way to parse a superset of lambda calculus using bunda gerth 13:56:04
@_discord_356107472269869058:t2bot.ioKamila such a nice algorithm 13:56:06
@_discord_870115701279584326:t2bot.iodiscodoug That sounds fun 14:30:18
@_discord_356107472269869058:t2bot.ioKamila yeah it has user-defined operators that can have a specified binding strength/associativity 14:44:48
@_discord_718270791577501766:t2bot.iovelocirocelot Hey everyone! I was trying to write a program to find all primes between 1 and an integer, here's what I came up with: {(2≥+⌿0=(⍳⍵)∘.|⍳⍵)/⍳⍵} 22:17:09
@_discord_718270791577501766:t2bot.iovelocirocelot I'd love some suggestions on how to make this briefer 22:17:21
@dzaima:matrix.orgdzaima velocirocelot you could deduplicate the ⍳⍵ with a , i.e. {(2≥+⌿0=∘.|⍨⍳⍵)/⍳⍵}; and x/⍳⍵ i ⍸x 22:33:51
@dzaima:matrix.orgdzaima * velocirocelot you could deduplicate the ⍳⍵ with a , i.e. {(2≥+⌿0=∘.|⍨⍳⍵)/⍳⍵}; and x/⍳⍵ is ⍸x 22:34:02
@_discord_718270791577501766:t2bot.iovelocirocelot Awesome, thanks! I'm still learning the language, what do ⍨ and ⍸ do, respectively? 22:35:14
@dzaima:matrix.orgdzaima is a monadic operator (i.e. syntax is like F⌿ & ), which does F⍨xx F x; and ⍸x is simply just a function of x/⍳≢x here 22:36:19
@_discord_604614910030118912:t2bot.iorubenverg the extended one from Dyalog? 22:53:06
@_discord_604614910030118912:t2bot.iorubenverg or just the binding strength pairs version? 22:53:18

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