
Stocks Trading

314 Members
A place to discuss the trading of shares and stock, as well as other finance related discussions! Rules and guidelines: 1. Be mature and respectful. Its fine to argue, but be civil about it. 2. Don't spam. 3. Keep the room SFW and appropriate for all ages. 4. Don't post or link anything illegal. 5. Try to stay on topic for the room.19 Servers

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26 Nov 2022
@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org@marko_from_slovenia:matrix.org left the room.15:32:46
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @maria_rodriguez:matrix.org@maria_rodriguez:matrix.org (spam).15:58:21
@thomas:johnson.tj@thomas:johnson.tj joined the room.17:41:21
27 Nov 2022
@thomas:johnson.tj@thomas:johnson.tj left the room.21:11:48
28 Nov 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @chlorenestearman:matrix.org@chlorenestearman:matrix.org (spam).01:04:07
@mhamzahkhan:intahnet.co.uk@mhamzahkhan:intahnet.co.uk changed their profile picture.03:08:41
29 Nov 2022
@fuloating:matrix.org@fuloating:matrix.org joined the room.16:39:15
@fuloating:matrix.org@fuloating:matrix.org anyone familiar with nordnet and mini-futures? I bought https://www.nordnet.fi/markkinakatsaus/minifutuurit/16727381-long-hopea-nordnet this couple years ago and didn't sell it immediately, still holding it. I click and see details it shows I would be paying 4.99% fees and nothing else, is that correct? I mean if I sell over 100e worth at once 16:41:33
@fuloating:matrix.org@fuloating:matrix.orgI want to know all the fees if I sell 300e worth and if I sell 1000e worth, what's the difference. I want to sell in multiple parts unless it causes more fees16:42:21
1 Dec 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @wealthsensei01:matrix.org@wealthsensei01:matrix.org (spam).07:53:15
@labskaus:matrix.im@labskaus:matrix.im joined the room.09:59:06
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their profile picture.11:33:32
4 Dec 2022
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their profile picture.01:14:05
@jjfrizzle:matrix.org@jjfrizzle:matrix.org joined the room.03:20:14
@jjfrizzle:matrix.org@jjfrizzle:matrix.org left the room.03:21:37
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @ali97:matrix.org@ali97:matrix.org (spam).09:35:01
8 Dec 2022
@offthetop:matrix.org𝐎™ changed their profile picture.07:14:00
13 Dec 2022
@finalcylon:matrix.org@finalcylon:matrix.org joined the room.09:10:16
19 Dec 2022
@zoomboy:matrix.org@zoomboy:matrix.org joined the room.05:44:24
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @palmer221:matrix.org@palmer221:matrix.org (spam).20:39:14
20 Dec 2022
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @lionelmary:matrix.org@lionelmary:matrix.org (spam).07:29:11
21 Dec 2022
@justcus:matrix.org@justcus:matrix.org left the room.07:07:56
23 Dec 2022
@zoomboy:matrix.org@zoomboy:matrix.org left the room.05:46:34
24 Dec 2022
@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org joined the room.02:42:19
@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org@anderson-crypt0:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:09:06
@labskaus:matrix.im@labskaus:matrix.im left the room.04:18:50
@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org left the room.06:10:31
@Dezponia:matrix.orgDezponia banned @anderson-crypt0:matrix.org@anderson-crypt0:matrix.org (spam).06:23:20
28 Dec 2022
@fxinvestor:matrix.org@fxinvestor:matrix.org joined the room.01:26:38
@fxinvestor:matrix.org@fxinvestor:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:28:45

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