
Stocks Trading

314 Members
A place to discuss the trading of shares and stock, as well as other finance related discussions! Rules and guidelines: 1. Be mature and respectful. Its fine to argue, but be civil about it. 2. Don't spam. 3. Keep the room SFW and appropriate for all ages. 4. Don't post or link anything illegal. 5. Try to stay on topic for the room.19 Servers

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22 May 2023
@user459873:matrix.org@user459873:matrix.org joined the room.02:03:34
26 May 2023
@ytru:matrix.orgytru joined the room.03:34:06
@urba:matrix.org@urba:matrix.org joined the room.03:51:51
@urba:matrix.org@urba:matrix.org left the room.03:52:10
2 Jun 2023
@eatsnails:matrix.org@eatsnails:matrix.org joined the room.11:08:26
@eatsnails:matrix.org@eatsnails:matrix.org left the room.11:12:43
4 Jun 2023
@robiio:matrix.org@robiio:matrix.org joined the room.14:01:11
@robiio:matrix.org@robiio:matrix.org left the room.14:01:29
@ichimokuclown:matrix.orgichimokuclown joined the room.14:19:48
5 Jun 2023
@ayush9492:matrix.org@ayush9492:matrix.org joined the room.11:26:43
@ayush9492:matrix.org@ayush9492:matrix.org left the room.11:27:17
@rosie0801:matrix.org@rosie0801:matrix.org joined the room.16:25:52
@rosie0801:matrix.org@rosie0801:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:53:27
6 Jun 2023
In reply to @rosie0801:matrix.org
I’ll help 11 people ,on how to make $40,000 in 3days from the polymath cryptocurrency. if interested send me a friend request or direct message by asking me (HOW) for more details on how to get started
@Dezponia:matrix.orgDezponia banned @rosie0801:matrix.org@rosie0801:matrix.org (spam).10:55:10
@user459873:matrix.org@user459873:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:20:41
8 Jun 2023
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @piesnababy:matrix.org@piesnababy:matrix.org (spam).06:12:15
@dolba4:matrix.org@dolba4:matrix.org joined the room.18:36:07
@dolba4:matrix.org@dolba4:matrix.org left the room.18:40:23
10 Jun 2023
@dauergeil:matrix.org@dauergeil:matrix.org joined the room.00:24:53
@dauergeil:matrix.org@dauergeil:matrix.org left the room.09:06:59
11 Jun 2023
@treag0d:matrix.org@treag0d:matrix.org joined the room.20:18:15
12 Jun 2023
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @fredieac45:matrix.org@fredieac45:matrix.org (spam).15:23:04
15 Jun 2023
@treag0d:matrix.org@treag0d:matrix.org left the room.07:26:20
@zalamander:matrix.org@zalamander:matrix.org changed their display name from Max to Sal.10:15:22
16 Jun 2023
@karen207:matrix.org#karen joined the room.13:49:44
17 Jun 2023
@vovafreeman:matrix.org@vovafreeman:matrix.org joined the room.14:34:35
@vovafreeman:matrix.org@vovafreeman:matrix.org left the room.14:36:10
19 Jun 2023
@galaxy2000:matrix.orggalaxy2000 joined the room.00:06:47
22 Jun 2023
@katiedenver:matrix.org@katiedenver:matrix.org joined the room.13:09:03

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