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4 Apr 2024
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideThe only thing we did was a check to see if the car was fit.20:17:33
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftYeah don't try the bike friendly cities20:17:42
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideI don't like driving anyway.20:18:22
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideSo... I'm good.20:18:28
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftThe bicycles come from literally everywhere and how we got there is by essentially writing the entire traffic code such that those with a license are responsible when they get into an accident with those without 20:18:49
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftSo cyclists and pedestrians are essentially holy20:19:06
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftAnd if you're a truck or bus driver regular drivers are too20:19:32
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftAnd in Paris, the drivers also come from everywhere 20:20:09
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideTbf, you should be licensed the way that's needed for an A license, or whatever the equivalent is.20:21:18
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideAnd CDL's do require more testing.20:22:07
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftA = motorcycles20:22:48
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftAm = mopeds20:22:56
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftB = cars up to 8 passengers20:23:13
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftC and D are busses and trucks20:23:46
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftE = B class + trailer20:24:46
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftT = tractora and other agricultural vehicles20:25:28
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoft* T = tractors and other agricultural vehicles20:25:41
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideD is a regular car license and A/B/C I believe are different commercial licenses.20:27:34
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocideM is motorcycle/moped/fast e-bike.20:28:05
In reply to @dracocide:tchncs.de
I don't like driving anyway.
What? You don't feel safe riding your bike between the parked cars and the fast traffic?
@zakadius:matrix.orgzakadiusAh man I love matrix and replying to the wrong message20:41:27
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftWhat I noted are the European categories20:42:01
In reply to @zakadius:matrix.org
What? You don't feel safe riding your bike between the parked cars and the fast traffic?
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftThe proper way of doing things is separating fast and slow traffic20:43:11
@zakadius:matrix.orgzakadiusWe do have some here in my city but a lot of the time we have to share the road with cars, it's the main reason I don't really bike despite liking it. I don't feel safe.20:44:03
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftShare the road in which way?20:48:26
@zakadius:matrix.orgzakadiusWe pretty much have to ride side by side with car and buses. We sometime do have lanes but they are often unprotected.20:49:23
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftLike this?20:49:30
Download 1662023658.jpg
@spycrowsoft:matrix.orgSpycrowsoftThey drive 60 km/h here and we barely have any accidents20:50:23

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