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9 Jul 2024
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B And crashes wouldn't be a lithium inferno either especially if they used a KERS-based system in that hybrid implementation, for example, as any energy recovered from that system could be stored in a supercap bank, in fact Toyota did exactly that with the Supra HV-R. 02:06:25
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B And crashes wouldn't be a lithium inferno either especially if they used a KERS-based system in that hybrid implementation, for example, as any energy recovered from that system could be stored in a supercap bank, in fact Toyota did exactly that with the Supra HV-R, granted that was based around a V8 instead of an I6, but still. 02:06:57
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B And crashes wouldn't be a lithium inferno either especially if they used a KERS-based system in that hybrid implementation, for example, as any energy recovered from that system could be stored in a supercap bank. 02:18:56
@lesnake:matrix.orgLeSnake (he/they) changed their display name from LeSnake (he/they) to LeSnake (he/they ; HOA 3709).14:55:59
10 Jul 2024
@c1r3n3g:matrix.org@c1r3n3g:matrix.org joined the room.01:29:50
11 Jul 2024
@techy:matrix.ghotigames.com@techy:matrix.ghotigames.com left the room.19:37:02
12 Jul 2024
In reply to @dfx4509b:matrix.org
Yeah, this ain't gonna go well when the big crashes happen unless those batteries are extremely well protected..... https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/07/heres-nascars-idea-for-a-fully-electric-stock-car/
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmannI still think Hybrids/ Fuel cells are the way forward - instead of large batteries, we'd have fuel cell - battery hybrids/ fuel-cell equipped vehicles.06:53:22
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmannhttps://epaddock.indycar.com/docs/default-source/rules-regulations-and-policies/240706-indycar-rulebook.pdf?sfvrsn=917375cf_3 https://epaddock.indycar.com/docs/default-source/rules-regulations-and-policies/indy-nxt-rulebook.pdf?sfvrsn=f4201b2b_1 Thought you might be interested in the rule book for Indycar 202406:56:08
@c1r3n3g:matrix.org@c1r3n3g:matrix.org left the room.14:07:05
13 Jul 2024
@lesnake:matrix.orgLeSnake (he/they) changed their display name from LeSnake (he/they ; HOA 3709) to LeSnake (he/they).11:35:17
16 Jul 2024
@iam:shennarwp.comiam joined the room.12:13:16
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmannhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VC-137C_SAM_26000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VC-137C_SAM_2700016:16:20
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmannRedacted or Malformed Event16:17:45
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmannhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_E-4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_VC-25 16:18:00
@infoteddy:matrix.org@infoteddy:matrix.org left the room.23:43:42
18 Jul 2024
@deberians:matrix.orgdeberian(https://deberian.wordpress.com/) joined the room.06:50:39
@crb0:matrix.orgВен joined the room.15:18:06
20 Jul 2024
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BNice one, Hyundai. Make your SUV look like a cheap Range Rover ripoff. https://www.motor1.com/reviews/727148/2024-hyundai-santa-fe-review/11:07:11
21 Jul 2024
In reply to @dfx4509b:matrix.org
Nice one, Hyundai. Make your SUV look like a cheap Range Rover ripoff. https://www.motor1.com/reviews/727148/2024-hyundai-santa-fe-review/
But their Motorsport division is still quite solid
@miltador:miltador.promiltador joined the room.09:08:24
@griff-0:matrix.orgGriff-0 joined the room.11:40:00
23 Jul 2024
@iam:shennarwp.comiam removed their profile picture.16:19:59
@iam:shennarwp.comiam set a profile picture.16:36:37
25 Jul 2024
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawatt joined the room.21:07:42
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawatt set a profile picture.21:13:10
26 Jul 2024
@dicksonmann:matrix.orgdicksonmann https://youtu.be/0H3NfLNu6z4 16:20:22

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