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25 Apr 2024
@jjrcop:matrix.orgJJRcop joined the room.19:54:01
26 Apr 2024
@zakadius:kitsunes.clubzakadius joined the room.01:38:54
@mylesthepro:matrix.org@mylesthepro:matrix.org joined the room.01:39:10
@mylesthepro:matrix.org@mylesthepro:matrix.org changed their display name from mylesthepro to Myles.17:39:59
@mylesthepro:matrix.org@mylesthepro:matrix.org set a profile picture.17:40:01
@mylesthepro:matrix.org@mylesthepro:matrix.org left the room.20:53:17
27 Apr 2024
@y0nder:matrix.org@y0nder:matrix.org left the room.17:07:33
29 Apr 2024
@amny:matrix.orgAMNeSia joined the room.11:34:25
30 Apr 2024

Driving fast may seem like fun, but take it to the goddamn track. https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=o4vXhG-mUMw

  • Or even do it on a closed-off section of highway like Koenigsegg recently did.
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B *

Driving fast may seem like fun, but take it to the goddamn track. https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=o4vXhG-mUMw

  • Or even do it on a closed-off section of highway like Koenigsegg recently did to set a speed record.
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B *

Driving fast may seem like fun, but take it to the goddamn track. https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=o4vXhG-mUMw

  • Or even do it on a closed-off section of highway like Koenigsegg recently did to set a speed record on a closed-off section of the Nevada Highway.
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BOr even take it onto the Salt Flats.02:49:48

And I get Nintendo's trash nowadays, but what does this vid have to do with Nintendo?

i fucking hate nintendo at this point, i grew up on them exclusively and now ill never buy any of their stuff again, they hate their fans

@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BCopied from the comments section of a vid that isn't even talking about that company.02:56:40
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B *

And I get Nintendo's trash nowadays, but what does this vid have to do with them?

i fucking hate nintendo at this point, i grew up on them exclusively and now ill never buy any of their stuff again, they hate their fans

@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BAnd hold up, how did the guy that Wraith was bought from have $700k just sitting around to blow on a parts car? https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=PjIercjs5xs03:04:44
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BThat isn't the type of cash most people have sitting around to blow on a parts car.03:05:59
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B * And hold up, how did the guy that wrecked Wraith was bought from have $700k just sitting around to blow on a parts car? https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=PjIercjs5xs03:08:45
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B * That isn't the type of cash most people have sitting around to blow on a parts car, even if they're a successful restoration shop.03:09:45
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B * That isn't the type of cash most people have sitting around to blow on a parts car, even if they're a successful restoration shop successfully fixing up stuff like McLarens and the like.03:12:59
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BAlthough I kinda get it, I guess, as parts for that probably run at least a portion of the price tag for a new Wraith.03:19:54
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BSlap a RR logo on BMW parts, and instantly drive the price up dramatically, lol.03:31:17
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B * Slap a RR logo on BMW parts, and instantly drive the price up dramatically, lol, at least for the parts that are BMW parts and not bespoke Rolls parts. 03:34:32
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B * Slap a RR logo on BMW parts, and instantly drive the price up dramatically, lol, at least for the parts that are rebadged BMW parts and not bespoke Rolls parts. 03:36:27
@takeonme-takemeon:matrix.orgtakeonme-takemeon joined the room.06:43:29
2 May 2024
@simplistic:matrix.coluzea.proSimplistic joined the room.04:47:55
@creaperroblox:matrix.orgcreaperroblox joined the room.04:49:11
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.org left the room.14:22:11
@dracocide:tchncs.deDracocide changed their display name from Dracocide to XMPP: Dracocide@jabbers.one.23:44:35
3 May 2024
@everypizza1:matrix.orgeverypizza (old) changed their display name from everypizza to everypizza (old).00:03:31

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