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30 Jul 2021
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 So why is it limited to 100 Users and 1000 Passwords?

What benefit does this offer over a synced KeePass/KeePassXC Database?

What benefit does this offer over an encrypted BitWarden Database (Which can be self-hosted or 3rd-Party Hosted)?
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 * So why is it limited to 100 Users and 1000 Passwords (Per User)?

What benefit does this offer over a synced KeePass/KeePassXC Database?

What benefit does this offer over an encrypted BitWarden Database (Which can be self-hosted or 3rd-Party Hosted)?
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 * So why is it limited to 100 Users and 1000 Passwords (Per User)?

What benefit does this offer over a synced KeePass/KeePassXC Database?

What benefit does this offer over an encrypted BitWarden Database (Which can be self-hosted or 3rd-Party Hosted)?

Additional Question -
If it is free then how are the databases funded?

Theirs no such thing as truly free even when it is peer-to-peer infrastructure, at some stage servers & bandwidth have to be paid for....
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 Freely distributed movies I'm sure 😉 10:25:22
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz Had simjlar thoughts but didn't voice them; I think I'll stick to my KeePass file self-hosted on my NextCloud 10:25:25
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz * Had similar thoughts but didn't voice them; I think I'll stick to my KeePass file self-hosted on my NextCloud 10:25:37
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz My NextCloud that is running on an eight year old entry level laptop running the Snap version inside Manjaro 10:27:29
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz and stuck in a corner where nobody will bother it 10:27:42
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 Isn't memz the well known meme-themed virus, the one that plenty of 14-16 year old teenagers distributed on school networks around the globe, highlighting the issues that people had been warning about for over a decade around the complete lack of sufficient security or protection of children & their digital profiles at school/online? 10:28:21
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz That was part of the origina of my username, yes 10:28:54
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz * That was part of the origin of my username, yes 10:28:59
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 Killermemz Sounded cool until you said Manjaro.....
As long as you never update and it isn't connected to the internet directly, you're fine.
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz Oh, it's connected to the internet and it's fully up to date 10:29:34
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz I've set it up with letsencrypt signing and everything 10:29:55
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 Manjaro is so unstable, I'd never dare trust it with a password database, and I say that as someone who used Manjaro for 2 years full-time on my main system.... 10:30:26
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 It breaks too easily... 10:30:46
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz I've only had it go down once since I set it up, and it was just an out of memory error where it ran out of the 4gb it has installed 10:30:51
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz I rebooted and it came right back up 10:31:10
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 4GB? Damn, is it a 32-Bit Laptop then? 10:31:14
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz nope, an AMD A4 APU that originally ran Windowsn8 10:31:33
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz * nope, an AMD A4 APU that originally ran Windows 8 10:31:39
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 No sockets for additional DIMM's? 10:31:54
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz two sockets, both filled by 2gb DDR3 dimms 10:32:10
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz I have an 8gb kit that goes in my mobility laptop 10:32:25
@_discord_530487433775546424:t2bot.ioTOGLK#0370 You could setup a RAM Cache for faster caching if you installed 8GB or more, useful when you want quicker access times to large databases, or, when you want faster writes to disk in the event of critical data errors 10:33:10
Download IMG_20210722_203701990.jpg
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz here's a picture of the NextCloud laptop 10:33:13
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz collected a bit of dust and I didn't bother to wipe off more than I had to to restart it 10:34:01
@_discord_154083367170736128:t2bot.ioKillermemz lmao 10:34:02
@_discord_187949199596191745:t2bot.ioCrazy Rabbit
So why is it limited to 100 Users and 1000 Passwords (Per User)?
To prevent users abusing API and filling database with unlimited amount of passwords.

What benefit does this offer over a synced KeePass/KeePassXC Database?
I never tried KeePass, so I wouldn't know that. The main goal of Passky is to remove bloatware. So it can be run even on $10 Raspberry PI Zero.

What benefit does this offer over an encrypted BitWarden Database (Which can be self-hosted or 3rd-Party Hosted)?
Bitwarden encrypt all data including websites and usernames. That means everyone can brute force encrypted file and compare if website is equals to google.com or facebook.com than brute force was success and you decrypt all passwords from Bitwarden.

Passky only encrypt passwords, so attacker wouldn't know when brute force was successful. That means brute force attack with Passky is almost impossible to perform.

Also Passky is right the opposite of Bitwarden. Bitwarden include bloateware, consume more than 4x storage space and also it require like 2GB of RAM. It's really resource hungry.
Passky is light weight and modern password manager.

If it is free then how are the databases funded?
I have only bought 2x VPS from OVH. So only $20 per month. I own hosting provider. So I receive money from other projects.

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