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Discussions about Kodi the Mediacenter - www.kodi.tv23 Servers

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18 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI tried using that. Changing the values had no effect23:11:09
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI'll do a quick test by running kodi with startx. On my main user. Maybe it's some xorg setting that's different between users23:17:22
@managor:matrix.orgManagorDidn't help23:29:40
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakUse xrandr to disable dpms23:30:21
@managor:matrix.orgManagorxranr can't detect display. I'll try to edit the x11 configs.23:33:08
19 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagorDarn, that didn't help either00:08:29
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI made the unfortunate mistake of deleting my previous configs00:09:25
@managor:matrix.orgManagorI'll try once without the pulse8 adapter00:11:55
@managor:matrix.orgManagorPure TTY doesn't cause video feed to cut off, so that's a relief00:13:14
@managor:matrix.orgManagorSo it might have been the pulse8 adapter00:20:59
@managor:matrix.orgManagorOh never mind.00:22:19
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverkodi still segfaults at the end of a playlist for example, it doesn't always start up from the first pressing of the desktop icon, I suspect it's pipewire. What should I do to debug the segfault?10:58:53
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverPIPEWIRE_DEBUG=1 doesn't show anything11:05:29
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak bgt lover: you need to post the backtrace 14:06:24
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverthat's the problem, there's no backtrace I can find, it even says so in the log. Anything I can do to enable one?14:07:23
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakDoes a crash log exist next to the logfile?14:07:55
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loveryes, there is one, but the information is sparse14:33:46
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverI'll upload one14:33:47
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loversorry, apparently it doesn't happen now, since this is nondeterministic. I know of a reliable way to eventually make it happen, and it will do so, but it'll take some time. In any case, the thing doesn't show any backtrace, only the terminal where I run it shows that I got a coredump.14:41:59
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusak bgt lover: you'll need gdb installed in order to get a useful stack trace, also debug symbol would help 14:51:58
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverI have gdb installed, but kodi is running as a flatpak15:02:58
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lovershould I attach to the process kodi made and do the stack trace that way?15:09:58
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverit happened, again not enough info...should I upload this log file as it is? also, how do I get pipewire debug symbols, or are they included in the arch package?15:10:50
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverok, attaching to the kodi process while having pipewire access blocks the whole damn sound server. Like, in one instance, I got speech, another...boom15:18:33
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakIf it's flatpak I don't know15:27:21
@lrusak:matrix.orglrusakI imagine flatpak has a way to capture crashes15:27:44
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover

darn it, more issues, already not looking good...

warning: "target:/app/lib/kodi/kodi.bin": could not open as an executable file: 
Operation not permitted.
warning: `target:/app/lib/kodi/kodi.bin': can't open to read symbols: Operation 
not permitted.
warning: Could not load vsyscall page because no executable was specified
warning: Target and debugger are in different PID namespaces; thread lists and o
ther data are likely unreliable.  Connect to gdbserver inside the container.
0x000061939d1b208a in ?? ()
(gdb) cont
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverand that almost crashed my pipewire too15:29:16
@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt lover

ok, got it!

Thread 3 "kodi.bin" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to LWP 17726]
0x0000713183e71182 in ?? ()

@bgtlover:stealthy.clubbgt loverand of course, now it doesn't recognise anything in the flatpak as symbols...wth have I gotten myself into15:33:14

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