
Starlite General

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18 Jul 2022
@_discord_900453511211384834:t2bot.iopedrodiaz I just upvoted 16:10:24
@_discord_396519450905673730:t2bot.iocofin As did I. 16:10:55
@_discord_350859721659645955:t2bot.iocr125rider Yes it does. You just have to be logged in of course 17:40:16
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher Afraid not: https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/67zoma/upvotes_not_counting_when_following_links_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 17:55:19
@_discord_350859721659645955:t2bot.iocr125rider 3 votes and no activity for 5 years. I can confirm I see my vote. Seems to be false 18:02:05
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher You see it. But it doesn't count it internally. 18:07:29
@_discord_198402009332711434:t2bot.ioJonasKs joined the room.19:33:47
@_discord_198402009332711434:t2bot.ioJonasKs The vote counts less/gets discounted (especially the first ones, to avoid friend up voting) Goldziher is correct 19:33:48
@_discord_242691204502913024:t2bot.ioHLees joined the room.19:39:15
@_discord_151336438699524096:t2bot.ioKrotau joined the room.20:00:45
@_discord_396117120859242507:t2bot.ioGilFriedEgg#4936 joined the room.20:29:48
@_discord_396117120859242507:t2bot.ioGilFriedEgg#4936 Hey all! Is there any built in support for routing to subdomains (i.e. admin.website.com)? Starlette has support https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/363 20:29:48
19 Jul 2022
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher hi, not at present. 09:08:45
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher whats the use case for this? usually i would have different apps and use an external server - nginx, ingress k8 controller, even docker, to run different applications. 09:09:20
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher i added a new issue if anyone is interested--> https://github.com/starlite-api/starlite/issues/291 11:31:24
@_discord_396519450905673730:t2bot.iocofin I was going to mention this library. It looks promising. 16:17:38
@_discord_396117120859242507:t2bot.ioGilFriedEgg#4936 Just for cleaner urls. For accounts with vastly different ui based on permissions, I’d rather route to let’s say admin.website.com/control-panel than website.com/admin/control-panel, even if they’re functionally the same. 19:55:47
@_discord_343092463315189762:t2bot.ioGoldziher I see. Can you create a GitHub issue and document your use case. We should discuss this 20:31:25
@_discord_987210313709539358:t2bot.ioHSP88 joined the room.22:56:11
20 Jul 2022
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ And would they ideally be totally separated Starlite instances? 02:10:28
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ I'd probably use something like this straight away if it was available. 02:10:49
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ E.g., in the example app, the core stuff would be a shared library and the app itself would be configured as a set of micro-services drawing from the shared lib of resources and all pulled together into a master app at the top level 02:12:12
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ there was an issue where mounting apps came up earlier 02:12:25
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ this one: https://github.com/starlite-api/starlite/issues/241 02:13:15
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ to me I wouldn't so much care about whether the sub-apps had to be mounted under subdomains or path prefix - it would prob make sense to support either case if we can 02:14:32
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ I'll just reopen that and you can pile on there GilFriedEgg 02:16:05
@_discord_999175656850083860:t2bot.iomagoo joined the room.04:47:44
@_discord_396117120859242507:t2bot.ioGilFriedEgg#4936 Thank you! I’ll be away from my pc for a little while so I won’t be posting regarding the issue on GitHub until then. If it’s easier, you can close the issue for the time being and I’ll reopen it with more detailed suggestions when I have the chance. 06:59:17
@_discord_947242363439448155:t2bot.io__peter__ All good, I’ll leave open and transfer your relevant comments. Feel free to chime in any time👍 07:06:55
@_discord_396117120859242507:t2bot.ioGilFriedEgg#4936 If at all helpful, here are the relevant equivalencies in starlette.

PR: https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/363

Per Starlette docs, routing to subdomains can be achieved like this:

routes = [
    Host("{subdomain}.example.org", name="sub", app=Router(routes=[
        Mount("/users", name="users", routes=[
            Route("/", user, name="user_list"),
            Route("/{username}", user, name="user_detail")

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