

604 Members
Generic Talk about homelab things. Hardware, OSs, Applications, Network, and everything in between.154 Servers

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17 Feb 2024
@peter:tomesh.net@peter:tomesh.net left the room.06:50:27
20 Feb 2024
@davidstephenson:matrix.orgDavid changed their profile picture.00:38:30
21 Feb 2024
@vista_narvas:matrix.org@vista_narvas:matrix.org left the room.22:08:09
7 Mar 2024
@kotlinist:kotlinist.pro@kotlinist:kotlinist.pro left the room.07:49:32
11 Mar 2024
@sarisaya:matrix.orgwoof changed their display name from Saris/Woof to woof.01:19:18
@sarisaya:matrix.orgwoof changed their profile picture.01:19:22
13 Mar 2024
@lektricitee:matrix.org@lektricitee:matrix.org left the room.19:16:11
19 Mar 2024
@jboi:jboi.nl-> @jo:jo.wtf changed their display name from Jonathan to -> @jo:jo.wtf.13:06:10
2 Apr 2024
@node815:matrix.orgnode815 changed their profile picture.14:15:39
7 Apr 2024
@j0xn:matrix.org@j0xn:matrix.org left the room.15:15:53
13 Apr 2024
@daniel_adams_n:matrix.org@daniel_adams_n:matrix.org left the room.08:33:40
19 Apr 2024
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from Colin to Your Honor.19:56:08
21 Apr 2024
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from Your Honor to Colin.23:27:57
1 May 2024
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from Colin to cached failure of attribute 'colin'.00:07:48
2 May 2024
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from cached failure of attribute 'colin' to Colin.16:08:02
7 May 2024
@ruby:isincredibly.gay@ruby:isincredibly.gay left the room.01:13:28
13 May 2024
@tom:yarrawallan.net@tom:yarrawallan.net left the room.06:26:03
15 May 2024
@edisondotme:matrix.org@edisondotme:matrix.org left the room.21:05:14
16 May 2024
@olafklingt:matrix.org@olafklingt:matrix.org left the room.15:12:22
23 May 2024
@memilanuk:matrix.org@memilanuk:matrix.org left the room.18:57:38
30 May 2024
@kaiemon:matrix.org@kaiemon:matrix.org left the room.04:41:47
6 Jun 2024
@dynamo_:matrix.org@dynamo_:matrix.org left the room.10:08:26
22 Jun 2024
@hdhog:matrix.hdhog.ruhdhog changed their profile picture.13:23:13
@transcaffeine:finallycoffee.eutranscaffeine changed their display name from Johanna Dorothea Reichmann to transcaffeine.18:22:00
24 Jun 2024
@quickwitherfield:matrix.org@quickwitherfield:matrix.org left the room.16:40:41
28 Jun 2024
@joshuaboniface:bonifacelabs.caJoshua Boniface changed their profile picture.02:39:08
6 Jul 2024
@david:jtl.vision@david:jtl.vision left the room.18:30:15
22 Jul 2024
@rodolphe:matrix.what.tfrodolphe changed their profile picture.17:30:58
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:17:22
26 Jul 2024
@r3pek:r3pek.org@r3pek:r3pek.org left the room.14:30:03

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