
Rust Embedded Graphics

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26 Dec 2019
@nickray:matrix.orgnickray joined the room.09:23:31
@adigie:matrix.orgadigie joined the room.19:30:55
27 Dec 2019
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuest joined the room.17:16:33
29 Dec 2019
6 Jan 2020
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalhave you all ever talked about roadmap and goals? Im surveying guis and graphics for ideally non allocating embedded stuff. In watching druid and lupyuens fork on top of embedded-graphic, it occurs to me piet and kurbo underneath druid are fairly redundant to embedded-graphics goals23:30:52
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalIn the zulip, raph was pretty quick to say no_std is not something they have any interest/energy/ability to support right now, so it would seem pointless to try to follow along with their work when it has different goals23:33:33
7 Jan 2020

Yeah I think the differentiator for e-g is that it's no-std, and will treat embedded(/no-alloc) as a first class citizen. I suppose you can think of it as Rust's worse answer to u8g2. The long-term goal is to build a core bit of the embedded Rust ecosystem a little bit like embedded-hal. It should be possible to build UI libraries and other bits and pieces on top of e-g, or at least target e-g supporting drivers.

piet and kurbo underneath druid are fairly redundant to embedded-graphics goals

What do you mean by this?

@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalOh, in regards to Lupyuen trying to use druid on top of embedded graphics. What are peoples intentions to work on this year? What would widgets look like on top of embedded-graphics. 17:35:45
8 Jan 2020

Ah ok. Not sure tbh, haven't had time to look into Druid at al.

What are peoples intentions to work on this year?

Right now, getting 0.6.0 out and all my drivers updated would be great! It's been gestating for a long time now. Beyond that, I want to have a better font story, and a much better list of features for the included primitives.

What would widgets look like on top of embedded-graphics.

Not sure, but something that at least implements IntoIterator<Item = drawable::Pixel<C>> so they can be drawn to a display. The state management and the rest of the UI is up to the UI implementer. This is something I want to explore with some sample projects like an egg timer or something.

@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles *

Ah ok. Not sure tbh, haven't had time to look into Druid et al.

What are peoples intentions to work on this year?

Right now, getting 0.6.0 out and all my drivers updated would be great! It's been gestating for a long time now. Beyond that, I want to have a better font story, and a much better list of features for the included primitives.

What would widgets look like on top of embedded-graphics.

Not sure, but something that at least implements IntoIterator<Item = drawable::Pixel<C>> so they can be drawn to a display. The state management and the rest of the UI is up to the UI implementer. This is something I want to explore with some sample projects like an egg timer or something.

9 Jan 2020
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalWhen 0.6.0 is out I have some fun demos ive been building and porting. I ported the wasm game of life to embedded graphics. I worked on a simple mandelbrot with a friend to show iterators, and am sorta turning it into a 'game' since its easy to repaint only the part of the mandelbrot that got wiped out behind a character that moved.. Im working on voxelspace now https://github.com/s-macke/VoxelSpace But really, Im not a game guy. I want to work on widgets for menus and stuff like pinetime 23:23:56
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesMad! Is the WASM demo hosted somewhere or will there be a blog post about it or something? Would be a great showcase piece to link from the readme23:27:10
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalSure. Its a port of wasm one here https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm_game_of_life, just sitting in this commit for now https://github.com/jacobrosenthal/atsamd/commit/3fe00ea5783d3e63036d96fb176f1217822548fd23:51:45
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalOnly changes was 2 heapless vecs and core::mem::swap instead of clone23:52:39
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesWow that would be an awesome example for newcomers to the pygamer23:52:45
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalVoxelspace? Yeah I want to show a few different game types, top down, fake 3d, etc23:55:38
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalBut also its hard and taking me way too long :)23:55:47
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesI feel you. I just want to make an egg timer as an e-g example project and it just ain't happenin23:56:34
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalof note, I have a few liner build script for smuggling pngs into raws I think might be better than the imagemagick mess ive been documenting. Not sure where it should live. 23:57:26
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalActually While I have you, for voxelspace I could really use X/Y get_pixel access from image in addition to iterators23:58:21
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalIm not sure how to attack it with the macros and rawiter and iterator23:59:10
10 Jan 2020
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles I see a tinypng crate in someone's future 00:00:28
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles Sorry in advance for the stupidly long PR rfuest 😅 00:00:58
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalYeah sadly image and png had lots of std deps, but png is usable in a build setting with default features off00:01:24
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestjamwaffles No problem, but the review might take some time00:01:42
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles🤔 that's something00:01:42
In reply to @rfuest:matrix.org
jamwaffles No problem, but the review might take some time
No prob. I think this is the last thing (except maybe X/Y getters in images) before another alpha release can go out so we can rest easy for a lil bit
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalthe idea is definately a no_std tiny version, and then const fn00:02:23

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