
Rust Embedded Graphics

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8 Jan 2025
@badrb:matrix.orgbadrb changed their profile picture.23:58:26
11 Jan 2025
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindor are there/what are plans for async and embedded-graphics? 20:37:11
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesThere were some murmurings but IIRC the conclusion was something along the lines of it not making much sense for e-g itself to be async because the bottleneck is in data transfer to the display20:44:41
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorhmm, so how do people who use say embassy go around this? they just use blocking version of display drivers ?20:57:35

Most executors have ways to call blocking code.

On my project I am using core 0 of the rp2040 to run the executor and core 1 is running normal blocking code to render to the screen, effectively splitting the load between a system core (async) and an application/rendering core (sync).

@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorhmm, so this would imply then that implementing async display drivers is a waste of time then21:06:08
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorI mean you gain async SPI calls for example, but you lose e-g so why bother21:06:22

Most display drivers use a buffer so you can have both async and sync, like

let mut disp = SomeDisplay::new();

Rectangle::new().draw(&mut disp);

@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesWhich gives the best of both worlds (whilst paying some RAM for the buffer) no?21:08:37
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorah, most MCUs I had didn't have enough RAM for a full screen buffer :D21:08:58
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesAh yeah then things get weird and difficult lol21:11:20
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesYou could iterate over the points produced by an e-g shape and write them in chunks/one by one to the display but there are difficulties in doing that as opposed to just having a framebuffer21:12:08
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorI guess the easiest implementation really is to just make the user provide a buffer and implement e-g by writing to the buffer in a sync manner21:19:35
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorhow do you differentiate between "needs flush" and "direct rendering once e-g calls are made" though? 21:19:53
@almindor:matrix.orgalmindorI mean it seems to me then that the driver decides this and the user might not even know what the behavior is?21:20:09
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs I just published easing-fixed for no-std fixed-point easing animations 22:19:21
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs(or anything that needs easing, really)22:19:42
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesThat's bloody brilliant, nice work!22:53:31
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsthank you!22:53:51
In reply to @almindor:matrix.org
hmm, so how do people who use say embassy go around this? they just use blocking version of display drivers ?
I don't know if it's any help to you, but I wrote an async driver for the ssd1322, which when combined with something like Embassy's SPI implementation allows you to use DMA to do the heavy lifting. It has a basic screen buffer to go with it but obviously you would need an MCU with enough space for a fixed buffer, as jamwaffles: said.
@birdistheword99:matrix.orgbirdistheword99Of course you can still use DMA without async but async kinda suits this sort of thing, and it's nicer to read23:12:05
@birdistheword99:matrix.orgbirdistheword99There is an existing ssd1322 crate which uses an iterator to do chunked loading, which massively minimises memory overhead, but at the cost of performance/throughput. Different requirements lead to different solutions:) 23:14:33
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs yeah, I guess DMA is one of the reasons to have async drivers in the first place 23:20:55
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsand/or, well, it obviously gels better with embassy peripherals, even if the underlying transfers don't use DMA23:25:32
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsthe code duplication can get sad tho23:26:12
13 Jan 2025

released an update:

  • added smoothstep
  • you can now directly call e.g. ExpInOut::at(t, from, dist) or ExpInOut::at_normalized(t) if you don't want to use the iterators 😬
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs *

released an update:

  • added smoothstep
  • you can now directly call e.g. ExpInOut::at(t, from, dist) or ExpInOut::at_normalized(t) if you don't want to use iterators 😬
23 Jan 2025
@bunbury:matrix.orgBunbury set a profile picture.07:00:08
@bunbury:matrix.orgBunbury changed their profile picture.07:14:51
@odyintheshell:matrix.org"Ody Bhoja" changed their profile picture.08:54:01

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