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10 Jan 2020
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestThe changes I suggested in #229 were also in preparation for adding a clean interface for features like accessing pixels00:03:17
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalohho really00:03:28
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesSo add X/Y getters to tinybmp/tinytga and add wrapper methods inside e-g?00:04:18
In reply to @jacobrosenthal:matrix.org
the idea is definately a no_std tiny version, and then const fn
I hadn't even thought of const fn images. That's bitchin.
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalI dont think we can include_bytes or fs::read or whatever, but that will be amazing when we can00:06:10
@jacobrosenthal:matrix.orgjacobrosenthalto me thats the beauty of const fn, all that make file and excel calculations for registers and type bullshit currently kept out of code finally comes back home00:07:40
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestAn ImageData trait in e-g that can be implemented by external crates and also the internal raw support. ImageData can then be converted into an Iter or provide other functions like get_pixel.00:08:07
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestI have played with using a procedural macro to convert images in the past and I think that would work similar to include_bytes!().00:08:58
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles Does it need to be another trait? Why not have each image crate impl IntoIterator<Item = PixelColor<C>>? 00:10:02
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestImageData could provide other functions like size or get_pixel00:10:30
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles Sure, but if the e-g "integration" is moving into each image crate, why not have size(), etc in those crates? 00:10:58
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesDepends how loose you want the e-g integration to be I guess?00:11:14
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestSure that is something that needs to be considered. But having some features in the ImageData trait provides a generic interface to all kinds of images.00:15:15
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestThis was more code could be reused. If we, for example, decide to implement scaled drawing inside the Image struct all crates implementing ImageData could be scaled as well.00:17:05
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles Hypothetical case: I have an embedded JPEG image lib that only has an iterator based interface which does a lot of expensive JPEG decoding on the fly. If ImageData requires a get_pixel() method, my super expensive iterator has to run through to find the right pixel and return it every time get_pixel() is called. I'd rather not require lib authors to fully implement something like ImageData, hence the requirement of Intoiterator<Item = PixelColor<C>> above instead. 00:20:51
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestGood point, the interface could be split into multiple traits: ImageData which just provides the image size and a way to get an pixel iterator and PixelAdressableImageData which provides get_pixel.00:27:59
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles Let's start simple and go with just Intoiterator<Item = PixelColor<C>> for now. tinytga/tinybmp can be refactored to integrate that way (as mentioned in #229). Other image traits can always be added later if someone starts complaining that e-g doesn't have them. 00:30:14
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesIt's not so bad leaving each image crate to its own impl concerning getting pixels, etc. I'm ok letting the reusability slide in this respect (at least for the time being)00:31:26
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesI want to release 0.6.0 (non alpha) soon which won't happen if we let all these features creep in 😄00:32:10
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesI gotta split unfortunately. Way past my bedtime. I like the approach posted in #229 about "reversing" the tinybmp/tga integrations but I don't want to go much further than that00:32:59
11 Jan 2020
@hylian:matrix.orghylian joined the room.09:09:20
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesRedacted or Malformed Event20:25:14
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwaffles rfuest: after #224, is there anything else breaking in the issue list we should put in before doing another 0.6.0-alpha release? 20:25:46
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesThe issues in the list currently all seem to be additive and non-breaking, so should let future alpha/beta releases settle a bit with fewer breaking changes20:26:50
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestThe reversing of the tinytga and tinytga crates would be breaking for users of the bmp and tga features. But other than that I don't see any mayor breaking changes that should go into the 0.6 release.20:30:04
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesTrue. Those should go in 0.6 though, but the next alpha20:30:57
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestI agree. How do you plan to continue after the next alpha release? I would suggest to handle the code changes #211, #229, #238, #239 first and then release a beta. The beta shouldn't get any bigger code changes, if no problems occur, and only doc improvements.20:47:49

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