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11 Jan 2024
@shakencodes:matrix.orgPhil MarkgrafThank you!11:32:16
@hanno:braun-odw.eu@hanno:braun-odw.eu left the room.12:00:54
In reply to@grantm11235:matrix.org
I don't personally use it with fallible pins, I just noticed the bug while reading the code
Okay, more of a short-coming rather than a bug then. But happy to see that addressed anyway. Probably means I should do a bit more testing instead of just a code review.
In reply to @therealprof:matrix.org
Okay, more of a short-coming rather than a bug then. But happy to see that addressed anyway. Probably means I should do a bit more testing instead of just a code review.
I'm planning to review the PR but I don't have a display to test it with, how do you feel about me doing the same? :D
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofI'm feeling the great about you doing the same. 😅14:16:23
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofBread boarded setups of a display with a parallel interface is quite annoying...14:17:19
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbyeah I imagine... so, plans for today include me hacking toghether my firmware with esp-hal that works with embedded-hal 1 (thanks Jesse!), then hammering display-interface if I have to until it does something14:19:08
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofI built an FFC adapter 3 years ago... finding all the required bits and pieces (display, adapter and the board for which I had written the code) and hooking everything up could take a long while...14:23:13
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofScreenshot 2024-01-11 at 15.21.38.png
Download Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 15.21.38.png
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofThe alternative would be to find the STM32F429DISCO and rewrite the example to use the GPIO display-adapter driver instead of the FSMC implementation. However that board is probably equally deep hidden in my box of shame.14:26:46
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofOh wait, that was the STM32F413DISCO. Don't recall how the STM32F429DISCO drives the display.14:29:43
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbhaha I have one that acts as my logic analyzer now, that doesn't go anywhere :D14:30:13
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbI've tested https://github.com/therealprof/display-interface/pull/43 with SPI and I2C. Can anyone please take a look in case I missed/messed up something?15:58:28
In reply to @grantm11235:matrix.org
I don't personally use it with fallible pins, I just noticed the bug while reading the code
I've hesitated a bit because the impact of the fix should be minimal for a slight runtime cost, but in the end it's probably the right thing to do. Thanks!
12 Jan 2024
@grantm11235:matrix.orgGrantM11235The generic 'OutputBus' impls are great for prototyping, but I would encourage anyone who cares about performance to use their own custom impl that uses the PAC directly00:30:30
@peter9477:matrix.orgPeter Hansen
In reply to @shakencodes:matrix.org
Are there any suggestions for large fonts on the embedded platform?
-- I may just use some fixed bitmap images, as I only really need numbers and a degree symbol.
You could use the u8g2_fonts package, which includes some relatively massive fonts, and technically could also work with outside fonts as long as you can get or convert them into BDF format and then use their utility to encode them in the u8g2 format.
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielb therealprof: I've released the main display-interface but I can't pull the trigger on SPI, I2C and Parallel-GPIO. Can you please add me to those crates, too? 06:37:28
In reply to@bugadani:matrix.org
therealprof: I've released the main display-interface but I can't pull the trigger on SPI, I2C and Parallel-GPIO. Can you please add me to those crates, too?
Sorry about that. Try again.
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbThanks,I'll have the opportunity tonight07:44:36
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielb* Thanks,I'll have the opportunity tonight at the latest07:47:00
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbdisplay-interface(-spi|-i2c|-parallel-gpio) built for embedded-hal 1.0 is now live on crates.io18:29:32
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic Fischer
In reply to @dominaezzz:matrix.org

I'm thinking of making a PR to improve MonoFont rendering a little bit. Specifically https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/blob/30239bc88f18a9fc88a55bd83f700065c74b4501/src/mono_font/draw_target.rs#L27 .

I want to change that from a draw_iter to multiple batched calls to fill_solid. Would something like this be accepted? My display driver would really appreciate the improvement 🙂.

Made a PR anyway. https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/741
13 Jan 2024
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbout of curiousity, is this a meaningful improvement? I don't have measurements, but I'm assuming that the impact on my host of SSD1306 displays would be somewhat different than what you are aiming for07:45:25
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielb * out of curiousity, what is your setup and what kind of improvements do you see? I don't have measurements, but I'm assuming that the impact on my host of SSD1306 displays would be somewhat different than what you are aiming for07:51:47
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerMy setup is https://www.makerfabs.com/esp32-s3-parallel-tft-with-touch-4-3-inch.html + esp-idf-hal + esp-pacs.12:45:31
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbwow that looks like a sweet bit of kit12:46:08

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