
Rust Embedded Graphics

324 Members
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26 Mar 2024
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesMight be better as part of rust-embedded-community?19:57:57
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesI dunno19:57:59
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbat that point I'd probably ask to join the group, the async branch still needs to be pushed in somehow :)20:00:22
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtthough there is also the embedded-graphics org ! daniel is a member there ;D 20:00:48
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtmaybe also not a bad fit20:00:56
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielblook at the activity there 😅20:01:22
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesI need to hand that over too tbh, but I'm just doing the display drivers for now20:02:04
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtyeah, but than you dont have the full think only on yourself, but still access if you want20:02:07
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbthere are exactly 3 people in embedded-graphics, let's not put more pressure on them :P20:02:41
@vollbrecht:matrix.orgvollbrechtoh ;D jamwaffles also embedded-graphics didnt see it ;D20:02:42
@therealprof:matrix.orgtherealprofYeah, he's mister e-g. ;)20:03:32
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesIt was my baby for a while! Then it kinda lost control and I went on to do other things20:06:47
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesStill quite proud of its features but it's someone else's turn to take up the mantle 🙂20:07:05
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbit happens and we all appreciate all the work you put in to get e-g this far :)20:08:08
@jamwaffles:matrix.orgjamwafflesYeah 🙂 nothing lasts forever!20:11:29
28 Mar 2024
@alexmoon:matrix.org@alexmoon:matrix.org left the room.15:07:05
@zuubek:matrix.orgZyyno changed their display name from Zuubek to Zyyno.23:55:37
31 Mar 2024
@jamarzka:matrix.orgJeremy Marzka joined the room.00:39:36
4 Apr 2024
@avlec:matrix.orgavlec set a profile picture.05:42:34
10 Apr 2024
@sjm42:matrix.orgsjm42 changed their profile picture.19:02:15
15 Apr 2024
@haobogu:matrix.orghaobogu joined the room.03:23:42
26 Apr 2024
@thezoq2:matrix.orgFrans Skarman (thezoq2) changed their display name from thezoq2 to Frans Skarman (thezoq2).18:21:22
1 May 2024
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van Saase Does anyone know of a monospace font that has numbers with the decimal point within the number glyph? I need to display decimal numbers like 1.23 and I want it to take 3 spaces, not 4. 13:23:23
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielbisn't the point of monospace that 4 characters take up 4 * unit width?13:29:57
@bugadani:matrix.orgdanielb * isn't the point of monospace that 4 characters always take up 4 * unit width? 13:31:52
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van SaaseI guess that's a fair point. 13:39:56
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van SaaseI want to use a monospace font so stuff doesn't jump around when the values change but I don't want to waste a full space on a period.13:41:35
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van SaaseI guess adapting an existing font is not too hard. What is the best way to create a custom font?13:46:52
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van SaaseActually I don't really need a real font at all, just some bitmap images. How's the performance of rendering images vs text?13:50:27

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