
Rust Embedded Graphics

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6 Jun 2024
@hans_l:matrix.orgHans LarsenFixed the example and propagating of window events. I think it's awkward to have its own event system and not have all events sent to the app, but I didn't change the behaviour in the PR, just added a TODO19:58:56
14 Jun 2024
@avsaase:matrix.orgAlexander van SaaseHi everyone, I wrote a new driver for the WeAct Studio e-paper displays you can get in AliExpress for quite cheap. I'm waiting for the two displays with red color support to test if they work correctly before I make a release. If you have one of these displays lying around you can already try it out. Let me know if you have any feedback. https://github.com/avsaase/weact-studio-epd08:31:15
24 Jun 2024
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerAnyone know of a no_std crate that can decode JPEG into a plain RGB framebuffer?11:11:07
@dbrgn:matrix.coredump.ch@dbrgn:matrix.coredump.ch left the room.20:17:28
27 Jun 2024
@kkrolczyk.jucr:matrix.orgkkrolczyk changed their display name from kkrolczyk.jucr to kkrolczyk.19:53:07
@el.cat:matrix.orgel.cat joined the room.21:51:30
1 Jul 2024
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsRedacted or Malformed Event18:11:56
In reply to @dominaezzz:matrix.org
Anyone know of a no_std crate that can decode JPEG into a plain RGB framebuffer?
have you seen/tried https://crates.io/crates/img-parts ? No experience with it myself but it sounds like it could be a fit, with a bit of work
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerLooks like it only handles metadata/structure rather than the actual decoding 20:27:13
2 Jul 2024
In reply to @dominaezzz:matrix.org
Looks like it only handles metadata/structure rather than the actual decoding
Yeah that was maybe my optimism in the bit of work department... I did some very basic jpeg decoding a looong time ago and it was not hard, but when you want to support the full standard it seems to go up in complexity fast. But if you don't need that you can probably downsize https://github.com/image-rs/jpeg-decoder/blob/master/src/decoder.rs (eg remove CMYK support etc)
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsEssentially jpeg encoding is a block wise zig zag DCT followed by Huffman coding so if you can control the source images and get rid of features like progressive and all the color transforms I think it should not be a lot of work, mostly delete code and substitute alloc for heapless05:57:02
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs * 05:57:22
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs * 06:01:42
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic Fischer
In reply to @dngrs:matrix.org
Essentially jpeg encoding is a block wise zig zag DCT followed by Huffman coding (and decoding is just that in reverse) so if you can control the source images and get rid of features like progressive and all the color transforms I think it should not be a lot of work, mostly delete code and substitute alloc with heapless
The source images are coming from an ov2640, so I can't control it sadly
@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrsOk but that still means you'll have a known and limited feature set06:26:31
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerTrue but I'm really looking for an easy/"it just works" solution to this. My "let's try and make it work" energy has been allocated to something else already06:30:51
3 Jul 2024
@rfuest:matrix.orgrfuestThe zune-jpeg crate might be an option: https://github.com/etemesi254/zune-image/tree/dev/crates/zune-jpeg It does support no_std, but requires alloc.15:19:52
@dominaezzz:matrix.orgDominic FischerOh fantastic, thanks!15:27:40
4 Jul 2024

esoteric color schemes like CYMK

@dngrs:matrix.orgdngrs *

esoteric color schemes like CYMK


5 Jul 2024
@jessebraham:matrix.org@jessebraham:matrix.org left the room.14:19:56
@ubik:matrix.orgPedro FerreiraHowdy, possibly silly question: how can I resize text? Do I need a bigger font or is there some way for instance to do some interpolation?17:27:21
6 Jul 2024
In reply to @ubik:matrix.org
Howdy, possibly silly question: how can I resize text? Do I need a bigger font or is there some way for instance to do some interpolation?
bigger font is indeed the most straightforward, at least when we're talking bitmap fonts (and I'm unaware of vector font rendering on no_std, though it's not impossible). You could scale those too but that'd look ugly in almost every case
In reply to @ubik:matrix.org
Howdy, possibly silly question: how can I resize text? Do I need a bigger font or is there some way for instance to do some interpolation?
* bigger font is indeed the most straightforward, at least when we're talking bitmap fonts (and I'm unaware of vector font rendering on no_std, though it's not impossible). You could scale bitmap fonts but that'd look ugly in almost every case
@ubik:matrix.orgPedro FerreiraI would be OK with ugly, it's supposed to look chunky anyway18:50:00
@ubik:matrix.orgPedro Ferreiraif I were to scale the fonts, what would I need to do? Because otherwise it's a bit of a waste of space to have a large font in memory which is just an upscaled version of another one18:50:49
In reply to @ubik:matrix.org
if I were to scale the fonts, what would I need to do? Because otherwise it's a bit of a waste of space to have a large font in memory which is just an upscaled version of another one
Upscaling is what embedded-graphics did for its 24x32 font in the first place (and embedded-vintage-fonts continues to do). Depending on your targeted resolution, the space wasted by the larger 1bpp bitmap might be feasible.
@sirhcel:matrix.orgsirhcelOn the other hand, you could write an adapter for naive upscaling by an integer factor which just samples an underlying bitmap font.21:23:41
13 Jul 2024
@gnomeddev:matrix.orgGnome! joined the room.19:51:50

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