
Aurora's Off-Topic Discussion

569 Members
AuroraOSS Off-Topic Discussion Room. This room is currently bridged with Telegram at t.me/AuroraOT • Aurora Store: https://matrix.to/#/#AuroraSupport:auroraoss.com • Aurora Droid: https://matrix.to/#/#AuroraDroid:auroraoss.com • Aurora OSS Discussion: https://matrix.to/#/#AuroraOSS:auroraoss.com14 Servers

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6 Mar 2024
@tinfoil_hardhat:mashedlevers.xyztinfoil_hardhat joined the room.17:16:10
17 Mar 2024
@kralya:matrix.org@kralya:matrix.org joined the room.15:56:53
@mjolnir:envs.netAbuse Management banned @kralya:matrix.org@kralya:matrix.org (spam).19:13:57
18 Mar 2024
@remix6511:matrix.orgremix6511 joined the room.02:34:03
20 Mar 2024
@skyfeelings:matrix.orgDaniel da Silva Motta joined the room.02:44:08
22 Mar 2024
@skyfeelings:matrix.orgDaniel da Silva Motta left the room.21:23:22
23 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:envs.netAbuse Managementchanged room power levels.16:01:19
28 Mar 2024
@denient:matrix.orgdenient joined the room.16:13:29
29 Mar 2024
@thamespirat:tchncs.deSanne St. joined the room.11:22:53
@thamespirat:tchncs.deSanne St. left the room.11:43:07
@thamespirat:tchncs.deSanne St. joined the room.20:26:18
@thamespirat:tchncs.deSanne St. left the room.20:28:01
11 Apr 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.org joined the room.00:07:40
@mjolnir:envs.netAbuse Management banned @thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.org (spam).00:07:40
29 Apr 2024
@delphine.lasalle:envs.netDelphine Lasalle joined the room.03:48:19
5 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org joined the room.19:05:09
6 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.org@lucas:yatrix.org left the room.05:27:26
@langovet:matrix.orgl joined the room.08:11:58
16 May 2024
@cfk:tchncs.decfk joined the room.16:28:04
@cfk:tchncs.decfk left the room.16:28:21
20 May 2024
@matrix5:nitro.chatmatrix5 joined the room.03:12:42
@matrix5:nitro.chatmatrix5 left the room.03:13:09
25 May 2024
@mjolnir:envs.netAbuse Management banned @snkl:matrix.orgYoung-PussyBreaker (inappropriate display name for this community).19:58:28
29 May 2024
@want12345:matrix.orgwant12345 joined the room.23:10:26
13 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org joined the room.10:33:04
19 Jun 2024
@mjolnir:envs.netAbuse Management banned @hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org (spam).23:33:22
20 Jun 2024
@chinookz:matrix.orgchinookz joined the room.07:48:31
25 Jun 2024
@telmu:matrix.orgtelmu joined the room.17:42:18
17 Apr 2021
@syntheticpolymer:nitro.chat@syntheticpolymer:nitro.chat changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".03:04:06
@861171770:auroraoss.comℂ𝕐𝕃Δℕℂ𝔼 ✪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFjQjOuEjQM 03:31:48

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