

159 Members
A matrix daemon for offloading E2EE and more | https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon | Latest release 0.10.3 https://pypi.org/project/pantalaimon/72 Servers

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10 Oct 2023
@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu changed their profile picture.20:31:22
11 Oct 2023
@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu changed their profile picture.00:07:46
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx to xyhhx (spooky).04:12:19
12 Oct 2023
@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu changed their profile picture.11:37:23
@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu changed their profile picture.11:40:26
@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu@fantasycookie17:artemislena.eu changed their profile picture.11:44:42
13 Oct 2023
@telenieko:beeper.com@telenieko:beeper.com joined the room.08:19:15

Hi! I am trying to setup Pantalaimon with Ement.el but hit a few roadblocks. Mainly, list-devices always returns an empty list? (I am running pantalaimon from git master). Any clues? :(

@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn How do you connect? 09:58:55
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn Are you using the line in the info-doc? 09:59:28
@telenieko:beeper.com@telenieko:beeper.comYes, the connection is properly established (previous message sent from Ement.el via pantalaimon). What I cannot get working is key exchange between clients and pantalaimon -- so I can do anything but read/send encrypted messages (which is the whole point of panta!)10:25:42
@telenieko:beeper.com@telenieko:beeper.com I managed to verify the pantalaimon client (somehow) but it still fails. What bothers me is that everything I read says list-devices should list something and I get nothing 10:26:23

So, apparently panta is decrypting messages, but only new ones. It looks like the issues is getting keys to decypher older messages. Any clues on how to deal with that?

14 Oct 2023
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtnIt doesn't have cross-signing, so you have to verify every single device.20:07:31
16 Oct 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx (spooky) to xyhhx 👻 (spooky).05:59:18
@johannesm:element.io@johannesm:element.io changed their display name from Johannes Marbach [out sick] to Johannes Marbach.06:47:54
17 Oct 2023
@metal:i0.tfmetal6 joined the room.08:25:42
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] (MRU test) ⚡️.15:25:22
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] (MRU test) ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] ⚡️.15:32:43
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ 15:33:56
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] (MRU VeryFast(tm) test) ⚡️.15:37:11
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ 15:37:25
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] (MRU VeryFast(tm) test) ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] (MRU VeryFast(tm) test (maybe??)) ⚡️.15:40:44
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ 15:40:52
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] (MRU VeryFast(tm) test (maybe??)) ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] (test) ⚡️.15:42:31
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ 15:42:50
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] (test) ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] ⚡️.16:41:43
18 Oct 2023
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] global profile test ⚡️.03:36:05
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ 03:36:21
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ changed their display name from Emma [it/its] global profile test ⚡️ to Emma [it/its] global profile test 2 ⚡️.03:50:03

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