

1392 Members
Podman (https://podman.io) is a tool for running PODS and OCI Containers on Linux. Mailing lists at lists.podman.io. Current version 5.1.1. Bridged with the #podman channel on Podman's Discord(https://discord.gg/x5GzFF6QH4). The bridge with #podman on Libera has been temporarily suspended, but we now have a `Podman Relay` in place.79 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc Is there any way for me to pass a socket on a podman machine/Podman Desktop host through to the podman machine guest? 21:06:22
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc * Is there any way for me to pass a socket on a podman machine/Podman Desktop host through to the podman machine guest where my containers run? 21:06:30

I've built a Nix container that contains a statically-compiled copy of Nix so that it can work with an empty /nix/store.

On my Linux hosts, this means I can pass through the Nix daemon socket and the Nix store with a pair of -v options to podman run, and then those containers have access to the host system's /nix/store as a kind of cache, so that on subsequent runs, Nix doesn't re-download any previously downloaded packages inside the container.

The store is mounted read-only inside the container, and the daemon socket is passed through so that the container can ask the host to build paths in /nix/store, which is writable (by the Nix daemon/build users) on the host side.

This works great on Linux, but I'd like to be able to have this play nice with Podman Desktop on my Mac at work. I had kinda hoped that podman machine init -v ... would do the trick just as podman run -v does further on down the line. But I guess qemu doesn't (can't?) pass filesystems through across hosts quite as transparently as container systems can.

@pxc:matrix.orgpxc I assume there's a way to do what I want with qemu itself, even if Podman doesn't yet expose it, probably with some socat trickery, but I'm out of my depth. Anyone know if/how it's possible to do what I want (a) with qemu at all or even (b) with podman machine in particular? 21:15:15
@pxc:matrix.orgpxcPodman must already use machinery like this to produce the podman socket on the host for macOS Podman Desktop users, right? Where can I learn about how this is done?21:16:47
@fjbaldon:matrix.orgfjbaldon joined the room.22:08:58
@arcayr:rascals.netarcayr left the room.22:44:39
26 Jul 2024
@_discord_135968755036585984:t2bot.iosoulz_ joined the room.02:42:12
@_discord_420996200330952716:t2bot.iotangentsoft Bind-mounting volumes to expose sockets? Effin' magic if it works, and difficult to recommend even so. 04:24:31
@_discord_420996200330952716:t2bot.iotangentsoft I don't know how well this fits into your world, @pxc, but I find [Nixery](https://nixery.dev) fascinating. Maybe you can rely in their tooling instead of rolling your own? 04:25:37
@_discord_420996200330952716:t2bot.iotangentsoft Oh, and don't be scared of the TVL = "The Virus Lounge" stuff. It refers to a place where shut-in geeks could get together during COVID-19. 04:26:37
In reply to @_discord_1266108287934267512:t2bot.io
This is starting to look like a "the chicken and the egg" problem 🤔
In reply to @_discord_1266108287934267512:t2bot.io
This is starting to look like a "the chicken and the egg" problem 🤔
Alternatively you can try to delete the directory /var/lib/containers.
@no-clip:matrix.orgNoclip There is also /etc/containers but you probably shouldn't simply delete that cause it already contains some config files out-of-the-box. 06:25:23
@_discord_1266362432557944872:t2bot.iopratt_24423 joined the room.11:56:37
@walters:fedora.imColin Walters mheon_45134: why does podman write the paths to its config in a sqlite db? https://github.com/containers/podman/commit/f384bdf66be32a6f853acccd9d98326b7c5aabd2 Hitting this when working on bootc where we want to operate on storage from different contexts 20:59:23
28 Jun 2021
@lsm5:lsm5.ems.host@lsm5:lsm5.ems.host changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".13:55:20
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat invited @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek.13:55:30
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat withdrew @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek's invite.13:55:31
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek joined the room.13:55:53
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek left the room.13:55:54
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat invited @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek.13:58:43
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek joined the room.13:58:53
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek left the room.13:59:41
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat invited @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek.14:05:47
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat withdrew @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek's invite.14:05:48
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek joined the room.14:05:57
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek left the room.14:05:58
@lsm5:lsm5.ems.host@lsm5:lsm5.ems.host invited @histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek.14:06:10
@histalek:lounge.wtfHistalek rejected invite.14:06:14

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