

4208 Members
Podman (https://podman.io) is a tool for running PODS and OCI Containers on Linux. Mailing lists at lists.podman.io. Current version 5.2.2. Bridged with the #podman channel on Podman's Discord(https://discord.gg/x5GzFF6QH4). The bridge with #podman on Libera has been temporarily suspended, but we now have a `Podman Relay` in place.234 Servers

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7 Feb 2025
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. I'd do that. podman often configures itself into broken states. 18:36:56
@shuroii:matrix.orgShuroiialr thanks18:38:26
Download 20250207_19h40m17s_grim.png
@shuroii:matrix.orgShuroiisame machine btw18:41:18
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. okay the first image is of an admin user which works fine? 18:42:33
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. does podman info work for the containers-pki? 18:43:20
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. (and based on the above I'd probably blow away the users' container conf file) 18:45:31
 cat ~/.config/containers/storage.conf
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. what sin that file for the broken user 18:45:56
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. Im betting the runRoot like is set to the /tmp file 18:51:25
@_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.iojatone. and since it doesnt exist anymore its struggling 18:51:38
In reply to @_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.io
what sin that file for the broken user
the file doesn't exist
In reply to @_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.io
does podman info work for the containers-pki?
it does not
In reply to @_discord_894960145178718229:t2bot.io
what sin that file for the broken user
@shuroii:matrix.orgShuroiiI'm on podman 5.3.119:36:21
@ekaov:matrix.orgekaov joined the room.21:12:52
@ekaov:matrix.orgekaov left the room.23:00:25
8 Feb 2025
@_discord_254507944031420426:t2bot.iohogarthwh hey. trying to create a container using macvlan with netavark. podman 5.3.2 and netavark 1.13.0 on Debian 12 in play. podman network inspect is:

          "name": "directvb",
          "id": "cb22d14ada73c4ea64ff3615f4f2e8003f54b7833f4a1dcffe9a2d946897b17d",
          "driver": "macvlan",
          "created": "2025-02-08T12:38:28.947634444+11:00",
          "subnets": [
                    "subnet": "",
                    "gateway": "",
                    "lease_range": {
                         "start_ip": "",
                         "end_ip": ""
          "ipv6_enabled": false,
          "internal": false,
          "dns_enabled": false,
          "ipam_options": {
               "driver": "host-local"
          "containers": {}

Container comes up, has the correct internal IP address but externally I see no signs of anything in use. What am I missing?
@_discord_254507944031420426:t2bot.iohogarthwh changed their display name from Hogarth to hogarthwh.10:02:54
@_discord_586438903938940954:t2bot.iospektr.e joined the room.11:32:11
@miyzu:matrix.orgMiYzu joined the room.16:11:15
@polaarrebane:matrix.orgpolaarrebane joined the room.16:16:51
@rpaot32:matrix.orgrpaot32 joined the room.18:07:07
@rpaot32:matrix.orgrpaot32 left the room.18:07:35
@_discord_758749947121893507:t2bot.ioearthmove1 joined the room.19:25:21
@_discord_320063719457685504:t2bot.iodugenhiser joined the room.20:10:49
@haus_krapfen:matrix.orghaus_krapfen joined the room.21:27:00
9 Feb 2025
@_discord_825800840643346452:t2bot.iogbolivar joined the room.00:01:35
@_discord_142381198130413569:t2bot.ioeatcodegame joined the room.00:02:24

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