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15 Nov 2023
@_discord_506600770683011089:t2bot.iotcharding joined the room.05:19:50
Download Screenshot_2023-11-15_at_14-07-24_fedimint_fedimint_Federated_E-Cash_Mint.png
@_discord_913133336749305856:t2bot.ioelsirion I'm so looking forward to the "It's over 9000" memes ^^ 13:08:18
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle 9000 commits or hyperbitcoinization. Which is first? 14:15:09
@_discord_1172641448139686031:t2bot.iomayrf_09342 set a profile picture.17:33:53
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 https://dpc.pw/posts/nix-users-you-can-start-using-rust-scripts-already/ I'm going to rewrite all my shell scripts in Rust now. 20:14:44
16 Nov 2023
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://njump.me/nevent1qqsthlsymdheuj8tdcxwzxdz5y5y7aqhdedw7jzkw7rh6m3s5x05mtsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp07majzu

We have recently disabled the ability to zap nostr:npub1xnf02f60r9v0e5kty33a404dm79zr7z2eepyrk5gsq3m7pwvsz2sazlpr5 wallet users from Mutiny. You may still pay their invoices or LN addresses normally but a big problem we were seeing was force closed channels due to stuck payments to Zeus due to their work arounds with locked payments. Which harm both the user experience and other lightning nodes on the network. 

Since nostr users are mostly unaware if they're zapping Zeus users or not, we are taking this step proactively to protect users from having a 10 sat zap costing them serious on chain channel closing (and reopening) fees. 

The approach we are working on for solving lightning addresses on mobile wallets is a fedimint hybrid approach where the sats end up at a federation if you are offline but get swept to your self custodial channel when you come online. Payments will settle instantly with the federation and it won't lock up unnecessary HTLCs on the network. 

Ideally we get the ability to do offline receives normally on LN but that future is looking really grim with LND's continued priorities on shitcoins instead of features, and offline receives depends on a network wide upgrade. 

We petition Zeus to move to a more responsible node implementation like LDK unless their plan is to add shitcoins or break LN further. 

Mutiny ppl 🏴‍☠️
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 If you like bikeshedding, there's a project designed that would allow writting some extra metdata into commit from which a nice changelog would get composed. Conceptually seems great and we should use it, but there's a lot of debate about best wording and format of such messages: https://github.com/crywolf/mkchlog/issues/16 . Feel free to join arguing about it. 🙂 16:50:39
17 Nov 2023
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttleDownload IMG_1748.mov12:22:46
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle .justinmoon kodylow am I doing this right? 12:22:46
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.iojustinmoon#6976 That's how you do it! 15:31:59
@_discord_295014581749809152:t2bot.iodouglaz 18:32:39
@_discord_892294628496265237:t2bot.iomayb_e joined the room.18:38:57
@_discord_880781425509556235:t2bot.iomokoringo joined the room.20:34:36
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 manmeet (maan2003)

> g b client-ctx-api-improv
Switched to a new branch '23-11-17-client-ctx-api-improv'
> cat ~/.gitconfig | grep 'b = '
b = "!f() { name="$1"; shift; git checkout --no-track -b $(date +%y-%m-%d)-$name "$@"; }; f"
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) interesting, are dates useful? 21:48:47
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) ig you can check lsat commit date of branch with just git log 21:49:09
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) * you can check lsat commit date of branch with just git log 21:49:16
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 It's purely so I can find stuff I used to have somewhere in some branch. 21:51:44
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) oh, that's useful 21:52:28
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 We've Justin recently on the call he was looking for something and forgot a branch name. Happens to me all the time, and I finally did the 15 minutes required to figure out a good alias. 21:53:12
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 .justinmoon 21:54:49
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 I can also do

g f u && g b get-rid-of-LnClientExt u/master

which maybe I should alias to its own alias.
20 Nov 2023
@_discord_670551071999000607:t2bot.iobackleverRedacted or Malformed Event06:22:52
@_discord_670551071999000607:t2bot.iobacklever Yikes... Clicked the wrong approve button and got hit by a spam bot 06:27:42
@_discord_670551071999000607:t2bot.iobacklever Apologies, folks 😳 06:27:57
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) be sure to reset your password, that should reset the token 06:36:49
@_discord_670551071999000607:t2bot.iobacklever Thanks. Doing that. I only found the bot connection and killed that 06:40:57
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/11/09/parallel-rustc.html 14:51:42
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 In the larger project most parallelism is already taken by all the crates, so unfortunately I wouldn't expect too much improvement. 16:37:59

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