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24 Sep 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet * rust analyzer is too memory intensive for that, it uses 2GB RAM on fedimint repo.
and then there is cargo build/check
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle I think moderns phones have the RAM but RIP battery… 20:14:24
25 Sep 2023
@_discord_1078067181973143694:t2bot.iosquanto3218976 joined the room.03:11:43
@_discord_275461244809641984:t2bot.ioerik_nerv joined the room.15:31:11
@_discord_999292843082383390:t2bot.ioanisotropia joined the room.16:18:27
@_discord_821018648016846878:t2bot.ioaitchi. joined the room.17:54:23
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 Seems like 8GB is a standard in top of the line phones, so probably 5 years and most phones will have it. 18:46:29
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpc#0812 I need to install NixOS on my phone ... 18:47:48
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle Legendary 19:16:17
26 Sep 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet You also need a good editor with an onscreen keyboard or maybe just add an external keyboard. 02:15:18
@_discord_373599608552816660:t2bot.iojuho6556 joined the room.09:59:24
@_discord_399780407278698496:t2bot.ioabhishandy joined the room.21:26:38
27 Sep 2023
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle cguida x-posting from nostr:

We take Polar (https://github.com/jamaljsr/polar) and shove it into Tauri (https://tauri.app), then daemonize devimint and make it the backend. How does nix fit in here?

dpcpw too
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle * cguida x-posting from nostr:

We take Polar (https://github.com/jamaljsr/polar) and shove it into Tauri (https://tauri.app) as the UI, then daemonize devimint and make it the backend. How does nix fit in here?

dpcpw too
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida Hmm, I don't know, what does Tauri do? Do you have more context? 01:27:58
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida Is it like a docker visualizer? 01:28:20
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle Tauri is the middleware. It's a better Electron app because it's not javascript, it's Rust. It can lock down to specific sys calls allowed. It uses web frameworks for the UI, and then wires in RPC calls to a Rust backend. 01:29:32
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle (bold assertions will have bias) 01:29:46
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle Polar is a regtest LN network UI 01:30:14
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://lightningpolar.com/
watch the video here. A very good UI/UX for bitcoin dev env. but uses Docker.
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida Yeah I'm familiar with Polar, just not Tauri 01:32:29
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle it's a Rust framework for on the slogan there "tiny, fast, and secure". I followed them a bit when I first started exploring Rust. They seem to have good foundations to build on. 01:33:17
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle imho 01:33:20
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle * it's a Rust framework like the slogan there "tiny, fast, and secure". I followed them a bit when I first started exploring Rust. They seem to have good foundations to build on. 01:33:37
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle deaktop app framework. 01:33:45
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida Interesting, using wasm? 01:33:53
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle you can use wasm, but I was thinking that we rip the React from Polar and then just make devimint the backend instead of docker. 01:34:15
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida Ahhh 01:34:31
@_discord_360078862396162058:t2bot.iocguida I like it! 01:34:44
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle https://tauri.app/about/intro

Good short read here and possibly a video watch

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