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11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:05:24
@_discord_1096206551003430932:t2bot.iobitcoinfixesalot. joined the room.21:03:33
12 Dec 2023
@_discord_188970140639952896:t2bot.iomd9555 I'm with my aunt in argentina, I wish I could onboard her to fedi!!! 20:44:17
@_discord_188970140639952896:t2bot.iomd9555 also saw this https://x.com/phyrooo/status/1734314578585006515?s=20 20:44:42
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_753077618932187157:t2bot.ionickshoup joined the room.03:39:42
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) really nice if works, it means I don't have to deal with github dumb interface
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) * really nice if works, it means I don't have to deal with github review dumb interface
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) * really nice if works, it means I don't have to deal with github dumb review interface
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) * really nice if works, it means I don't have to deal with github dumb review interface
15 Dec 2023
@_discord_941195655920103464:t2bot.io.razpie joined the room.07:21:44
@_discord_203052736747536397:t2bot.io.beesama joined the room.18:55:49
16 Dec 2023
@_discord_461176793320128512:t2bot.ioparis8 joined the room.13:04:39
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_1178029944161447948:t2bot.iorileykevin99 joined the room.00:05:29
@_discord_1127248798264086608:t2bot.iopleb.lab changed their display name from texas.pleb to pleb.lab.13:36:18
@_discord_534578705566007303:t2bot.iodjmeistro joined the room.20:28:29
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle x-post from #lightning in case you don't browse there often.
20 Dec 2023
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw m1sterc001guy https://github.com/vincent-herlemont/native_db 01:06:40
@_discord_665009783354425344:t2bot.io.justinmoon Seems like it wraps redb, right? So not exactly a "new database".

I noticed they're using https://github.com/cross-rs/cross which I hadn't heard of. Wonder if that would help us at all, or is it mostly redundant with our nix stuff.
@_discord_332755519561400320:t2bot.iodpcpw GitHub - vincent-herlemont/native_db: Dr... 03:45:51
@_discord_868647953869455472:t2bot.iocrunchyodin joined the room.14:41:47
@_discord_295014581749809152:t2bot.iodouglaz GitHub - cross-rs/cross: “Zero setup” cr... 17:34:29
@_discord_499219056159621121:t2bot.io_svyaznoy joined the room.20:05:33
21 Dec 2023
@_discord_156549244449325056:t2bot.ioasoltys joined the room.05:52:47
@_discord_499219056159621121:t2bot.io_svyaznoy We are doing a privacy poll of the year (selecting important projects, people, research).

Want Findora team to participate.
@_discord_499219056159621121:t2bot.io_svyaznoy * We are doing a privacy poll of the year (selecting important projects, people, research).

Want Fedimint team to participate.
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle dpcpw NixOS, built in malware detection since you're hashing all the things you're running so wouldn't be able to run an altered version from what you specified? just random thought 18:59:52
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) you are not checking the hashes though 19:42:54
@_discord_1106209895818199131:t2bot.ioethantuttle wow, thank you for such a thorough answer. was shilling Nix at work and work with big brain hackers so... 20:27:36
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_893420979265626232:t2bot.iomanmeet (maan2003) https://blog.1password.com/unlock-1password-individual-passkey-beta/
encrypting password store with yubikeys + pin

bigest benifit is now you can have much smaller pin, because pin auth happens inside yubikey.
and yubikey wipes itself after 8 incorrect pin attempts.
23 Dec 2023
@_discord_738187859957121106:t2bot.iosrlindemann joined the room.13:39:18

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