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Second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go! | https://element-hq.github.io/dendrite/ | #dendrite-dev:matrix.org for development — #dendrite-alerts:matrix.org for release notifications1074 Servers

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7 Feb 2025
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmer* It also seems element x is only allowing for one sided conversations. Whoever starts the call is the only one able to talk. The recipient of the call cannot use video or voice chat.00:00:25
@n:everypizza.imNyx (it/she) joined the room.01:59:15
In reply to @simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.com
I do have another question if you all don't mind. It seems my ntfy push notifications do not work when element is closed for some reason. When I troubleshoot notifications in the element app and the element x app I get no errors. when looking for why this is not working it seems a very common issue is not having 'ip_range_whitelist' set properly. However, this is in reference to synapse. Is this variable applicable to dendrite? is it a ntfy config variable? or is this synapse specifically? thank you all so much for your help!

I cannot tell if this is an issue with ntfy or an issue with Dendrite. When I first installed ntfy it had an error for not configuring the base url. Which I fixed when reinstalling it and creating a config file. Now ntfy has no indication as to why it wouldn't work in the logs. I have troubleshooted the notifications in both Element and Element X (Hell even Schildichat and Schildichat Next) and they all pass each test.

It's almost as if Element isn't running in the background when closed. I have changed the app setting to be unoptimized for battery (did the same for ntfy) and no dice. Anytime I close the apps and re open them it is as if they crashed and restart. There is nothing indicicative in the logs for the containers (ntfy, dendrite, and sliding sync) that tells me something is wrong.

This is occurring on two pixel 8s running GrapheneOS. I changed the notification settings to be constant, overide do not disturb, turn on vibration, etc. I even went as far to turn off exploit protection that did nothing. Notifications just stay inconsistent.

I found this github issue that seems to be the problem I am having but I don't know if the "ip_range_whitelist" value is applicable to dendrite or if it's only applicable to synapse:


@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmerI am curious If self hosting element call would fix this separate issue.02:29:02
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_herecould the web socket connection be getting blocked by a firewall?04:51:06
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_here(if im getting this right element call and push notifications both use web sockets)04:52:43
In reply to @bones_was_here:xonotic.org
could the web socket connection be getting blocked by a firewall?
Pardon my ignorance but how woukd I go about diagnosing that? 😅
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmer* Pardon my ignorance but how would I go about diagnosing that? 😅05:50:07
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmer* I cannot tell if this is an issue with ntfy or an issue with Dendrite. When I first installed ntfy it had an error for not configuring the base url. Which I fixed when reinstalling it and creating a config file. Now ntfy has no indication as to why it wouldn't work in the logs. I have troubleshot the notifications in both Element and Element X (Hell even Schildichat and Schildichat Next) and they all pass each test. It's almost as if Element isn't running in the background when closed. I have changed the app setting to be unoptimized for battery (did the same for ntfy) and no dice. Anytime I close the apps and re open them it is as if they crashed and restart. There is nothing indicicative in the logs for the containers (ntfy, dendrite, and sliding sync) that tells me something is wrong. This is occurring on two pixel 8s running GrapheneOS. I changed the notification settings to be constant, overide do not disturb, turn on vibration, etc. I even went as far to turn off exploit protection that did nothing. Notifications just stay inconsistent. I found this github issue that seems to be the problem I am having but I don't know if the "ip_range_whitelist" value is applicable to dendrite or if it's only applicable to synapse: https://github.com/element-hq/element-android/issues/7069 05:54:55
@herbert:envs.netHerbert changed their profile picture.11:31:50
@herbert:envs.netHerbert removed their profile picture.11:42:16
@king:aosn.deClix AzDo dendrites have worker mechanisms like synapses?14:19:51
@ninchuka:envs.netninchukano it uses multiple cores already14:20:23
@nacorid:vengeful.euNacorid go is very simple to run concurrently, you just basically go func() and are done 14:42:08
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_hereturn off firewall(s) and see if it works :P16:01:01
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmerLol my bad 😂😅 I do not think it is firewall because it seems the issue persists. I did decide to make a throwaway Matrix account to see if my ntfy setup works. ntfy seems to work on the official matrix server. Calls went through no problem. I then was wondering if it was my coturn server on my vps, but there isn't really anything in the logs that shows me it is the problem. Calls go through just fine on seperate networks. I am starting to wonder if it is a Dendrite config I have screwed up.18:12:31
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb Has anyone recently evaluated if current dendrite is more performance than current synapse? 18:12:44
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmer* Lol my bad 😂😅 I do not think it is firewall because it seems the issue persists with it off. I did decide to make a throwaway Matrix account to see if my ntfy setup works. ntfy seems to work on the official matrix server. Calls went through no problem. I then was wondering if it was my coturn server on my vps, but there isn't really anything in the logs that shows me it is the problem. Calls go through just fine on seperate networks. I am starting to wonder if it is a Dendrite config I have screwed up.18:13:36
@simulationfarmer:matrix.smellysavior.comsimulationfarmer set a profile picture.18:36:41
@wwwwwwwwwxs:matrix.org@wwwwwwwwwxs:matrix.org joined the room.18:54:19
@1ynx:matrix.org@1ynx:matrix.org left the room.19:13:22
@wwwwwwwwwxs:matrix.org@wwwwwwwwwxs:matrix.org left the room.19:26:27
@bradan:bradan.caBradan Fleming changed their profile picture.21:06:57
@bradan:bradan.caBradan Fleming changed their profile picture.21:07:13
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) changed their profile picture.23:11:18
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) changed their profile picture.23:18:56
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) changed their profile picture.23:20:02
8 Feb 2025
@bradan:bradan.caBradan Fleming changed their profile picture.01:20:21
@king:aosn.deClix AzIn actual testing, dendrite joined a group of more than 10,000 people, and its response speed was much slower than conduwuit.01:31:57
@benoit.marty:matrix.orgbenoit (back on Feb. 17th) changed their display name from benoit to benoit (back on Feb. 17th).05:25:37

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