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25 Jul 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:10:31
26 Jul 2024
@yeti:rockymtn.orgyeti left the room.02:38:07
In reply to @jjj333:pain.agency
You can easily move the signing key and also not have this issue
Failing all else, you can just find the public key and key ID that your server has today and then put it into your new Dendrite config as an old_private_keys entry and mark it as expired
In reply to @ninchuka:envs.net
its internal on conduit from my understanding
I have argued with the Conduit guys in the past about how remarkably dumb it is that Conduit tries to hide signing key management from the server operator but they don't seem to care 🤷
@neilalexander:dendrite.matrix.orgneilalexanderBut considering they only just recently decided to actually obey signing key validity at all in Conduit, I guess expectations should be lower09:38:57
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th].11:00:29
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxUnable to get rid of unread notifications in all clients, how to solve this?14:02:27
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_heredoes anything get logged if you go in element Settings: Notifications and click Mark all as read ?14:38:59
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxNope, i tried that 14:39:22
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_here tried deleting jetstream? 14:39:56
In reply to @bones_was_here:xonotic.org
tried deleting jetstream?
Nope, i'll try it now
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_here * /spoiler tried deleting jetstream (while dendrite is stopped)?14:40:41
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxThis solved the issue, but what caused it in the first place?14:44:34
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxAnd how to prevent something like this to happen again.14:45:20
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagx * And how to prevent something like this to happen again?14:45:23
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_heresomehow the NATS can get stuck in a state where requests can't be processed anymore, someone else had it happen with (incoming) read markers14:46:53
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_herei havn't had to delete anything in there in a very long time, so i guess it's caused by something that doesn't happen on my server :P14:47:51
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxWhat was inside the Jetstream folder?14:49:20
@bones_was_here:xonotic.orgbones_was_hereevents that are in the process of being handled, so they're not lost if the server gets restarted14:50:16
@megane:chat.meghomejail.meMagxI see, thanks for the help :314:50:49
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching joined the room.14:52:39
@otime:matrix.orgKony joined the room.17:52:48
@draug626:matrix.org@draug626:matrix.org joined the room.18:28:58
@draug626:matrix.org@draug626:matrix.org joined the room.22:49:26
@draug626:matrix.org@draug626:matrix.org left the room.22:49:31
27 Jul 2024
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching Hi everyone, I recently discovered that there is a room report button in my element app. At first I thought the that report will send the report to the true admins of the decentralised matrix network, to confirm it I decided to ask that question in the element room, someone told me that the report will go to my home server.
As an admin of my home server, I want to know where can I view room reports from users, that way I can let me users safely chat in the decentralised matrix network. I decided to look at the admin api and found nothing in the document, then I go to the source code and saw there is an undocumented admin api. I don’t want to use undocumented things.
Is there another way to view reports from users of my home server?
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching Since that api is undocumented, and I don’t want to use undocumented things, should I just write a document for that api 03:28:53
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching* Since that api is undocumented, and I don’t want to use undocumented things, should I just write a document for that api so it can solve my problem03:29:06
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching* Since that api is undocumented, and I don’t want to use undocumented things, should I just write a document for that api so it can solve my problem?03:29:11
@adam:omg.lol@adam:omg.lol left the room.04:53:08

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