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9 Jul 2023
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Mostly: there's barely story in it which is like the main point of these games 03:06:55
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 And the gameplay mostly focuses on this silly stacking gimmick 03:07:18
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 Ah 03:07:38
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 So I guess it'd be best to skip that entirely 03:07:53
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Right 03:07:57
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 How about Gates to Infinity? 03:08:12
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Gates to Infinity is also one that people skip a lot too 03:08:14
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Which is sad, some people say it has the actual best story of the games 03:08:27
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 But, what I haven't been saying: 03:08:40
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 For a lot of these games, the gameplay is at best serviceable 03:08:52
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 SPMD has arguably the best gameplay 03:09:03
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 But GTI? 03:09:09
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 It's awful 03:09:13
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 I mean I like storylines the most 03:09:19
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Like, the gameplay actually gets in the way of the story bad 03:09:38
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 What does GTI mean? 03:09:40
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Gates to infinity 03:09:46
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 ... ah 03:10:02
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 The biggest problem is GTI focuses a lot on building your "paradise" 03:10:24
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 And that story has big gaps where you need to build it up enough before it progresses 03:10:47
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 And it's basically a huge grind 03:10:58
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 Ye 03:11:05
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 So I guess not ideal 03:11:26
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Right 03:11:37
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 SPMD technically has some complaints about the story 03:11:57
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Kinda a "you love it or hate it" basically 03:12:28
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 Ye 03:12:28
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.iosomethingmysterious#0 I mean I'll see for myself 03:12:28
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 Well, there's basically one easy way to decide: 03:12:34
@_discord_170616319006212096:t2bot.ioatyno#0 How much would you get upset if you're treated like a child 03:12:47

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