
Darknet Technology

838 Members
PRIMARY SPACE: #darknet-technology:matrix.org56 Servers

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10 Jul 2024
@xrimurx:matrix.orgفتاه الاوتاكو changed their display name from xr to فتاه الاوتاكو.14:15:33
@xrimurx:matrix.orgفتاه الاوتاكو left the room.14:20:45
11 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 to cocam123 (Old).08:26:05
@derty6457:matrix.orgqwerty_zenwer changed their display name from velvot_gid to qwerty_zenwer.09:06:54
@maxou56800:matrix.orgMaxou56800 left the room.13:06:33
@goon:hackliberty.orggoon joined the room.15:41:30
12 Jul 2024
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org joined the room.15:40:24
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org

Everyone is welcomed to try new messenger on android(first even messenger!). It is based on i2p network. So anonymity and privacy(all traffic encrypted) by default.

And yes, pure p2p, I mean no servers at all no matter for.

https://matrix.to/#/#p3pch4t:matrix.org P3PCH4T

13 Jul 2024
@pipedfox:tchncs.depipedfox joined the room.15:42:15
14 Jul 2024
@man6:matrix.orgMbw Man joined the room.10:32:08
@man6:matrix.orgMbw Man set a profile picture.11:58:22
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 (Old) to cocam123.22:32:36
15 Jul 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseDer weltweit führende Dating- Assistent https://www1.afego.life/v8L8OE20:47:44
@myusername:nope.chat@myusername:nope.chat joined the room.21:53:30
@myusername:nope.chat@myusername:nope.chat removed their display name myusername.23:42:35
@myusername:nope.chat@myusername:nope.chat left the room.23:42:54
16 Jul 2024
@mantaboo:matrix.orgmantaboo joined the room.00:48:22
@mantaboo:matrix.orgmantaboo left the room.01:01:48
@pipedfox:tchncs.depipedfox left the room.14:03:46
17 Jul 2024
@khargoosh:matrix.orgkhargoosh joined the room.21:16:52
18 Jul 2024
@schmillin:matrix.orgschmillin joined the room.22:55:49
19 Jul 2024
@tatantatan:matrix.orgNathan Garcia left the room.13:59:59
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from professional practitioner 💅 to topbenis.23:15:51
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from topbenis to fat lard.23:16:57
21 Jul 2024
@foxgloves:matrix.orgfoxgloves joined the room.09:45:29
22 Jul 2024
@bob:conduit.libreserver.orgbob ⚡️ joined the room.11:35:32
@gshitman:matrix.orggshitman joined the room.21:34:12
26 Jul 2024
@zeberike:matrix.orgzeberike joined the room.06:57:31

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