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4 Feb 2023
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 So I don't think it's much of a problem 10:43:11
Download image.png
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 If you go to the preferences of Cadquery Viewer and set theme to dark, it looks better 🙂 10:48:22
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 Still it renders outside of the viewer, but one doesn't see it any more 10:48:52
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 I like it this way so I'm gonna let it like that hehe 10:49:01
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 fair 10:49:09
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 regarding your opened issue:
1) I don't care whether it is an env or the global intepreter. The only prerequisite is that in VS Code the right interpeter has been selected.
The extensions gets this interpreter and the calls path/to/python -m pip install ...
So, no venv is needed
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 2) mamba -> fair. While cadquery can be installed with mamba/conda, build123d and cq_vscode do not live in conda-forge world
I will add this as a prerequisite and check for pip in the extension
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 3) Refresh "forgot" to reread the settings. Saw it today in the morning, already fixed 10:53:22
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 4) Examples: Good idea and I ad thought about it. But I couldn't decide which would be good examples.
Any proposal?
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 For cq_vscode or for the others as well 10:54:45
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 For cq_vscode I can think of some for the others just grab all the examples in the two projects? 10:55:08
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 hmmm, I don't want to always change my extension when something changes in these projects and examples need to be changed 10:55:52
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 That's why I was thinking something dynamic and not static 10:56:12
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 like the extension goes through the web getting the examples ? Maybe that's a bad idea, I don't know how it could work 10:56:39
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 So you don't have to update each time something change 10:57:03
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 ouch, don't wanna go the web scraping route. Better to read from github I'd say 10:57:11
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 Well yes, github is still on the web though no? haha. Tell me if it's not doable but :
- The clicks on the cq_vscode icon extension
- The extension polls the two githubs repo of the projects
- Gets all the examples files
- The extension download them locally in a TEMP dir in the user computer
- The extension displays them as a tree node (like you did with the libraries)
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 I have never done anything web related so idk how it works, but that's seems doable in principle to me 10:59:50
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 Yes, sounds like a doable idea.
Maybe have an example installation button in the Viewer Manager.
If one presses the button, the examples for all installed libs will be downloaded from git to a temp folder (or a selected folder)
Then the editor workspace root will be set to the examples folder root
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 Yes definitly 11:04:00
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 Then you can browse the files as usual in VS Code 11:04:11
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 I know that the Arduino extension of vscode does something similar 11:04:15
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 Don#t want to implement a second "file browser" 11:04:28
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 * Don't want to implement a second "file browser" 11:04:36
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 I'll think about it, but it is on the roadmap. 11:05:00
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 I can't understand that but having the examples in the cq_vscode tab is nice 11:05:16
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 * I can understand that but having the examples in the cq_vscode tab is nice 11:05:22
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard#0011 At some point one needs to change the workspace root. I think I need to give it a try before I can really say what works. 11:06:34
@_discord_186253289476587521:t2bot.ioDraek#9615 Anyway aside from that extra feature, the extension just "works". You install it, install everything and that's it you can start create models in 2 minutes 11:06:39

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