

1231 Members
Discussion about the Mailu mail server distribution https://mailu.io - feel free to ask for user support in this room -- See #mailu-dev:tedomum.net for dev discussions on the main project -- See #mailu-helm-chart:make-it.fr for dev discussions on the mailu kubernetes project -- Project-Meeting-Notes: https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu/issues/1582181 Servers

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13 Jul 2024
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezHi, I have installed successfully mailu on a VPS, then I installed a web server (swag from linuxserver.io) so I followed the instructions here https://mailu.io/2024.06/reverse.html but now I have an issue since I have two containers competing for port 80 and 443. What am I doing wrong?15:32:44
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezmy mailu server is a sub-domain of the web server15:33:33
@neo:shdw.frHaleyYou need a ingress somehow.17:06:03
@plantroon:plantroon.complantroon joined the room.17:37:02
@plantroon:plantroon.complantroonhey, anyone running this under podman reliably? I am looking to switch away from mailcow (which has a hard docker requirement) as I am not using EAS, sogo, calendaring, etc anymore - I just want the mail part and mailu seems sleeker :)17:51:42
In reply to @neo:shdw.fr
You need a ingress somehow.
thanks for the reply... but still a bit lost as to what I should do
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezI have temporarily mapped 443 to a different port in mailu, removed port 80 and copied the certificates from swag into the mailu container, but that's very clunky20:09:12
@neo:shdw.frHaleyAn ingress controller terminates https requests, thus is able to see the requested url. With that, it is capable to service multiple websites on the sale ip:port combination.23:06:58
@neo:shdw.frHaleyUnder docker, you see mostly traefik as used candidate23:07:42
14 Jul 2024
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezthanks. I think I got it now. 09:33:22
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezI guess I need to study how to configure traefik properly09:57:55
@langbach_dk:matrix.orgRasmus Nielsen
In reply to @michelez:matrix.org
I guess I need to study how to configure traefik properly
When you figure it out please provide an update... Have tried following the documentation for a couple of months with zero luck...
@michelez:matrix.orgmichelezwill do. For the time being I am using this hack: in mailu docker-compose I removed listening to ports 443 and 80 and map port 7443 to 443. Problem is that I cannot renew the letsencrypt certificates, but this can be solved by making mailu use my webserver certificates. Now I can access the webmail and admin by adding :7443 to my mailhost e.g. https://mail.myDomain:7443/webmail But this is a bit of a pain So I changed the configuration of nginx creating a new server directive for my mailhost that automatically adds 7443 It is ugly, but it works11:31:14
16 Jul 2024
@ovzzkcyr:matrix.orgovzzkcyr joined the room.16:38:36
@ovzzkcyr:matrix.orgovzzkcyrHi, not sure if this been asked before, and this is a temporary user (sorry, im not feeling like signing up with my real details), but has there been any discussion for making a Discord Server for mailu? I feel like this could be somewhat beneficial and have improved community support in.16:40:32
@fredmon:matrix.orgfredmon joined the room.18:56:46
19 Jul 2024
@tom2024:tedomum.nettom2024 joined the room.06:12:59
@tom2024:tedomum.nettom2024 left the room.07:13:19
21 Jul 2024
@dschoepel:matrix.orgdschoepel joined the room.03:06:11
22 Jul 2024
@rohal83:matrix.orgRohal joined the room.10:34:41
@rohal83:matrix.orgRohalHi there. I've just got a mail from Outlook, that they quit support for "normal" authentication by September 19th. Are there any plans to update the fetchmail component to support OAuth?10:41:53
23 Jul 2024
@msizanoen:qtmlabs.xyzmsizanoen joined the room.11:24:46
26 Jul 2024
@peter:chat.nextlevel-blog.dePeter joined the room.19:30:37
@peter:chat.nextlevel-blog.dePeterHi all, new to hosting mails with mailu. DKIM is setup fine two different maildomains a.com and b.com. However, when I create an alias as info@a.com to info@b.com and I send mails with my email client from info@a.com, those have a From address of info@a.com but a Recv-From header as info@b.com. The mail then has no dkim signature at all. Although sending with plain accounts from either domain just works fine. Where is the flaw here?19:35:19
@bokkepoot:utwente.iobokkepootif both domains are on the same mailu instance, it won't be dkim signed, since it's going to be trusted anyway20:13:36
@peter:chat.nextlevel-blog.dePeter No for the recipient I tried various outside domains. 20:14:27
@peter:chat.nextlevel-blog.dePetermy two domains are of course set up on the same mailu instance 20:14:46
@bokkepoot:utwente.iobokkepootin that case, I don't understand the mailflow20:18:11
@peter:chat.nextlevel-blog.dePeter I usually use info@b.com as my main mail address. However, I also own a.com. Occasionally I have to communicate as info@a.com. Therefore, I added info@a.com as an alias of info@b.com.
When sending as info@b.com using my mail client it puts info@a.com in the From header of the mail but info@b.com as the Received-From. This mail then doesn't have a dkim signature.
@neo:shdw.frHaleyConfigure both mail servers, and user different accounts with aliases. How I do.20:58:55

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