
18+ Memes & Jokes

945 Members
Daily slippery, jokes & memes about sex, porn and fucking. So pull the stick out of your ass, and start laughing about XXX! part of +quality-channels:matrix.org44 Servers

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24 Jul 2024
@ekiac98:matrix.orgCaikeSKappler left the room.21:26:23
@sorethumbs:matrix.orgsorethumbs joined the room.23:45:55
@sorethumbs:matrix.orgsorethumbs left the room.23:48:13
25 Jul 2024
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.01:22:16
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.10:24:29
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.10:25:20
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:18
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:53
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org left the room.21:36:39
26 Jul 2024
@bela9669:matrix.orgbela9669 joined the room.00:51:26
@bela9669:matrix.orgbela9669 left the room.00:51:35
@hawktau:matrix.orghawktau joined the room.05:25:35
@assalom:matrix.orgassalom joined the room.12:59:58
@assalom:matrix.orgassalom left the room.13:00:16
@bobboclau:matrix.orglollocla joined the room.14:13:51
@flibblebabble:matrix.orgflibblebabble joined the room.14:19:20
@flibblebabble:matrix.orgflibblebabble left the room.14:19:31
@ludludlud:matrix.orgludludlud joined the room.17:15:36
@pandawiz:matrix.orgpandawiz joined the room.18:04:01
@pandawiz:matrix.orgpandawiz left the room.19:30:37
@barabazz:matrix.orgbarabazz joined the room.19:53:03
@barabazz:matrix.orgbarabazz left the room.19:55:22
@xqx002:xmr.sexqx002 joined the room.21:25:36
@bobboclau:matrix.orglollocla left the room.21:47:18
27 Jul 2024
@gg5020606:matrix.orgJosue De la O joined the room.00:17:53
@gg5020606:matrix.orgJosue De la O left the room.00:41:56
@xqx002:xmr.sexqx002 left the room.00:43:34
@moinmoin5:matrix.orgmoin joined the room.04:58:23
@moinmoin5:matrix.orgmoin left the room.04:59:32
@toto492000:matrix.orgtonton don joined the room.05:20:13

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