31 Oct 2024 |
aleoh | Hi there... What's the genre here? Or any style is welcome? | 18:06:07 |
0xC0ncord | Any! :) | 18:06:23 |
aleoh | Cool! | 18:06:31 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cYgpH9jgSDI&pp=ygUTamUgdCdhaW1lIG9yY2hlc3RyYQ%3D%3D | 18:07:43 |
aleoh | Is there any daily limit for posting songs or something? | 18:13:57 |
zaqiqu | In reply to @aleoh:matrix.org Is there any daily limit for posting songs or something? There isn't, but this is a very chill group. The admin even disappeared for a while so we got a bunch of random spam but now they're around again thankfully :) | 18:17:05 |
aleoh | Hmm, OK ty! | 18:17:47 |
zaqiqu | It's unfortunate but the most active music groups I'm on are discord, yuk. Sadly not many people I know are even aware of Matrix 😔 | 18:19:53 |
aleoh | Yeah, most ppl are not aware of decentralized platforms. I always try to show them the alternatives, but... | 18:22:51 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DOYvYkr0b_M&pp=ygUSb3JjaGVzdHJhIGVsZG9yYWRv | 18:23:08 |
zaqiqu | In reply to @aleoh:matrix.org https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DOYvYkr0b_M&pp=ygUSb3JjaGVzdHJhIGVsZG9yYWRv Interesting, not what I expected from the title lol | 18:27:36 |
zaqiqu | In reply to @aleoh:matrix.org Yeah, most ppl are not aware of decentralized platforms. I always try to show them the alternatives, but... Yeah true, I run a techno community on Lemmy but it's very quiet ;_; | 18:28:15 |
zaqiqu | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeSAe4Zsjs4 a remix I've been digging recently | 18:28:29 |
aleoh | Nice chill.. I used to dnld .oggs like this to use on a. Icecast radio I had. | 18:43:14 |
aleoh | Royalty free audio works from a Xiph.org backed database... | 18:45:37 |
aleoh | There were excellent works available there. | 18:46:52 |
aleoh | I particularly enjoy Ecuadorian Sanjuanitos: | 18:49:54 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dgtXLlnlgZg | 18:50:04 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qlUMm4g1Dpo&pp=ygUSYW1vbiBkdWxsIGlpIGxpZ2h0 | 19:06:28 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xdQWwN-h-3E | 19:14:37 |
aleoh | Madis is as very talented Polish musician: | 19:21:47 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OuaRhpLZrcI&pp=ygUTbWFkaXMgY3JhY293IHN1bnNldA%3D%3D | 19:21:54 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H8WM7EaDRnM&pp=ygUbV2FsZG8gZGUgbG9zIHJpb3MgTW96YXJ0IDQw | 22:05:30 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bubOcI11sps&pp=ygUTZGEgc29tIG51IGZvciBhbHRpZA%3D%3D | 22:13:50 |
aleoh | One more and enough for today... Have fun, cya... | 22:29:10 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_aaTFZVy01c&pp=ygUYZWwgZG9yYWRvIGVsIGNvbmRvciBwYXNh | 22:29:17 |
2 Nov 2024 |
| @jose7621:matrix.org left the room. | 17:57:40 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JTTAwOBTWig&pp=ygURRGF2aWQgY2hhcyBnYW5lc2g%3D | 20:27:35 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hYcBKX6a84o&pp=ygUgYWxlc3NpIGJyb3RoZXJzIGFsbCBmb3IgYSByZWFzb24%3D | 20:40:55 |
aleoh | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JCNCUGoBHAE&pp=ygUGc2FyaXJp | 22:09:49 |