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17 May 2024
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman In this case just think of a rule it can fit under 16:37:56
@_discord_1206268880985530370:t2bot.ioalostcause_79867_18063 "No Discrimination, harassment, or exclusion over any belief, idea, or any other thing within or beyond their control." 16:38:10
@_discord_1206268880985530370:t2bot.ioalostcause_79867_18063 that is what I have 16:38:21
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman Unless it's a no pinging the owner for no reason one, that always seems to pop up 16:40:38
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens proof of concept graph rewriting in python. Will probably spend a while playing with it before actually going on to implementing in Naev, but should be quite easy to do now 😄
@_discord_374327967742033921:t2bot.iolj_dude okay but there's a problem there 17:00:42
@_discord_374327967742033921:t2bot.iolj_dude you're using light mode 17:00:45
@_discord_1206268880985530370:t2bot.ioalostcause_79867_18063 I'm tired of that kind of bullshit, it pisses me off to no end every damn time I see that 17:17:14
@_discord_465186903847731210:t2bot.iouncombed_coconut New rule: old jokes I'm tired of will result in an immediate ban.
[10 minutes later]
Huh, where did all my friends go?
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 The problem with doing a "vague rule" like that is that it can be twisted.
For example, I'm a photophobe. I dislike light mode because it genuinely, physically hurts my eyes. I tend to express that fact when light mode comes up. How do I know I won't get donked for that?
@_discord_374327967742033921:t2bot.iolj_dude I'd argue that punishing light mode banter is discrimination itself. 20:09:20
18 May 2024
@_discord_701603795779453030:t2bot.iotoucan24 "no exclusion over ... any other thing within ... their control" means you cant enforce rules 00:59:00
@_discord_701603795779453030:t2bot.iotoucan24 * "no exclusion over ... any other thing within or beyond their control" means you cant enforce rules 01:00:02
19 May 2024
@_discord_299875288362385428:t2bot.ioskittles0246 joined the room.09:03:11
@_discord_399307351884169216:t2bot.ioltgenderr joined the room.22:26:08
21 May 2024
@_discord_291529952069681152:t2bot.iowdude1 joined the room.07:19:03
22 May 2024
@_discord_926277584000524298:t2bot.iosultanrtg 02:27:02
@_discord_853674373247533087:t2bot.iosirius hater changed their profile picture.02:40:23
@_discord_831556834187149343:t2bot.iocipherplain joined the room.17:27:56
23 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens duckduckgo seems to be down :? 09:31:01
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Duckduckgone 18:18:01
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I think their big new update broke something 21:26:07
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro As all good things do 🙂 21:26:13
30 May 2024
@_discord_853674373247533087:t2bot.iosirius hater changed their profile picture.03:09:06
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_640924886599991297:t2bot.ioFriend of pyro lmao Pyroman remember this? 21:35:59
@_discord_640924886599991297:t2bot.ioFriend of pyro lmao changed their profile picture.21:36:00
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman Yes, why? 23:04:25
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their profile picture.23:04:25
@_discord_640924886599991297:t2bot.ioFriend of pyro lmao funni 23:13:01
2 Jun 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens vegastrike also uses LaTeX for their manual 😛 11:26:26

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