
This Week in Matrix (TWIM)

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26 Jul 2024
@boris:tilt303.orgboris left the room.11:09:18
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinks ok its been a week. anoa please explain in what dialect v1.111.0 is v36, what am i missing argh 12:01:11
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org)I had assumed it was a base 2 to base 10 trick, but 11110 makes 30, not 36 :D12:14:20
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewthere are three kinds of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't12:24:41
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinksyeah exactly12:27:45
@deepbluev7:neko.devNicoClearly it is a countdown, not a countup!12:28:10
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew * there are 10 kinds of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't12:34:12
@denylife:matrix.orgNight joined the room.12:37:43
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
there are 10 kinds of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't
  • this was more interesting before the edit
  • someone gifted me a t-shirt with that joke but i refuse to wear it for its cheesiness
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew. o O ( i should switch the edit back and forth every 5 mins for maximum meta-joke )12:42:28
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew * . o O ( i should switch the edit back and forth every 10 mins for maximum meta-joke )12:42:37
In reply to @kim:sosnowkadub.de
  • this was more interesting before the edit
  • someone gifted me a t-shirt with that joke but i refuse to wear it for its cheesiness
You are vegan?
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinksit's simply too greasy to wear and has holes in the wrong places12:46:58
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
there are 10 kinds of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't
I saw someone wearing a t-shirt on the train yesterday morning with this exact same phrase. I don't know why, but I could swear he was a developer πŸ™„πŸ˜†
@cvwright:futo.orgcvwright (FUTO)


For the past 2.5 years the Circles team at FUTO has been pushing toward a big public launch of the app along with a paid subscription service for accounts. Unfortunately it was determined that this will not be feasible. The remaining work required to build the current app into a viable mass-market commercial product is simply much more than the team can handle in the remaining time available.

So instead, FUTO has handed the codebase back to the development team. Source code for the app has been transferred to https://github.com/circles-project, where Circles will live on as a community open source project under the leadership of the current development team. The license has also been changed, from the (fairly restrictive) AGPL 3.0 to the extremely liberal Apache License 2.0, in order to encourage and facilitate contributions from the community. In the days and weeks ahead, we will also be transferring the project web page, the Google Play Store app, and the Apple App Store app to the new ownership. The Circles app in the main f-droid.org repository will stay where it is, but will be updated to remove its current FUTO branding. The Circles app in FUTO's own F-Droid repo will be removed.

For users with accounts on the circles.futo.org servers, and for the handful of users still on the old circu.li servers, FUTO has committed to keeping those instances online through the end of 2024. In the meantime, registration of new accounts has been disabled. A future build of the app will include an in-app message for those on the affected systems. The dev team hopes to be able to provide a hosted service again in the near future, for those users who are new to Matrix and need an account to use the app; please be patient as this will likely take us a few weeks to sort out.

FUTO has generously committed to supporting the Circles development team for the next few months. By the end of August, we hope to have the app in good shape with everything that it needs, so that it is ready to enter a sort of maintenance phase if necessary. At that point, we will have the app that I originally set out to build in early 2020. We still have some exciting features on the roadmap, so stay tuned over the next weeks as we put the last major pieces in place.

Thanks to everyone in the Matrix community and in the #circles:matrix.org room for your feedback and encouragement as we built this thing from the ground up. Thanks to FUTO for their generous support over the past 2.5 years, and for allowing us to keep the app alive going forward.

tldr - FUTO Circles is dead. Long live The Circles Project.

@cvwright:futo.orgcvwright (FUTO) *


Circles is a secure social network app for families and friends, built on Matrix for privacy and independence from Big Tech.

For the past 2.5 years the Circles team at FUTO has been pushing toward a big public launch of the app along with a paid subscription service for accounts. Unfortunately it was determined that this will not be feasible. The remaining work required to build the current app into a viable mass-market commercial product is simply much more than the team can handle in the remaining time available.

So instead, FUTO has handed the codebase back to the development team. Source code for the app has been transferred to https://github.com/circles-project, where Circles will live on as a community open source project under the leadership of the current development team. The license has also been changed, from the (fairly restrictive) AGPL 3.0 to the extremely liberal Apache License 2.0, in order to encourage and facilitate contributions from the community. In the days and weeks ahead, we will also be transferring the project web page, the Google Play Store app, and the Apple App Store app to the new ownership. The Circles app in the main f-droid.org repository will stay where it is, but will be updated to remove its current FUTO branding. The Circles app in FUTO's own F-Droid repo will be removed.

For users with accounts on the circles.futo.org servers, and for the handful of users still on the old circu.li servers, FUTO has committed to keeping those instances online through the end of 2024. In the meantime, registration of new accounts has been disabled. A future build of the app will include an in-app message for those on the affected systems. The dev team hopes to be able to provide a hosted service again in the near future, for those users who are new to Matrix and need an account to use the app; please be patient as this will likely take us a few weeks to sort out.

FUTO has generously committed to supporting the Circles development team for the next few months. By the end of August, we hope to have the app in good shape with everything that it needs, so that it is ready to enter a sort of maintenance phase if necessary. At that point, we will have the app that I originally set out to build in early 2020. We still have some exciting features on the roadmap, so stay tuned over the next weeks as we put the last major pieces in place.

Thanks to everyone in the Matrix community and in the #circles:matrix.org room for your feedback and encouragement as we built this thing from the ground up. Thanks to FUTO for their generous support over the past 2.5 years, and for allowing us to keep the app alive going forward.

tldr - FUTO Circles is dead. Long live The Circles Project.

@deepbluev7:neko.devNicoSounds scary, but best of luck to you all!13:44:40
@mauro.romito:element.ioMauro Romito


Element X iOS

  • RC 1.7.1 has been released
  • Fixed some potential crashes
  • Improved Element call video stability
    -Added some new languages
  • Message pinning work has progressed further
@this-week-in:matrix.orgTWIMβœ… Thanks for the report Mauro Romito, I'll store your update!14:02:13
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinkscongrats for all you achieved with circles while at futo, and looking forward to see where it goes from now14:20:59
@everypizza:transfem.deveverypizza β€’ new account πŸΎπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ joined the room.14:38:56
@jordanhancock:matrix.orgJordan changed their display name from Jordan Away (Back 29/07) to Jordan.18:45:02
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org)

TWIM: The Matrix Conference 2024 now has a schedule!!

With more than 60 very high quality proposals, it's been difficult to select talks that would make it to the conference.
We are thrilled to announce the schedule of the conference, and we're looking forward to listen to that fantastic line up tell us about the future of Matrix, Matrix in the public sector, Matrix in the wild, or the social impact of Matrix!

Check out the full schedule at https://2024.matrix.org/schedule/

If you're an organisation and want to get some visibility in the Matrix ecosystem, we have a few sponsorship packages left at https://2024.matrix.org/sponsor/
Don't forget to book your ticket to attend. Head to https://2024.matrix.org/register/ and tell us whether you want merch or not in addition to your ticket!

@this-week-in:matrix.orgTWIMβœ… Thanks for the report Thib (m.org), I'll store your update!18:55:20
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org)With all that said. Time to close entries!18:59:05
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]not too much said today :p19:00:05
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org)

The Matrix Conference programme revealed, Circles going to the community, and bots updates.

That and more happened This Week in Matrix, and this week, if I'm not mistaken… it's thanks to you all @room !

πŸ”₯ Hot report, hot!
🦣 Share with the wooly federation
🐦️ X
πŸ‘” Share it with your colleagues (does not necessarily apply if your career is in OSS)

@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF A little wish I've been meaning to voice: I love that you tube isn't loaded by default; it would be nice if we could however see a title for the video, directly in the blog. Just seeing the boilerplate message "Clicking 'load' will load it" doesn't inspire me to check it out, where a title might. 20:37:36
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]i wish it used youtube-nocookie.com/embed instead of youtube.com/embed20:49:42
* @mahdi1234:matrix.orgmahdi wished it used something else than yt, but well ...20:51:45

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