
Akash Lobby

325 Members
This room is no longer active. You can find the Akash Developer Chat at: Discord.Akash.Network24 Servers

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14 Jan 2021
@nodelissimo:matrix.orgnodelissimonot joined discord yet04:36:33
@nodelissimo:matrix.orgnodelissimoConnect with Us Online Riot logo 3rd one under above heading04:37:51
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiThat’s just a logo, not a link04:39:01
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzalji(We’ll remove)04:39:08
@nodelissimo:matrix.orgnodelissimoits the only way I got here :(04:41:19
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiOh I see04:41:55
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiThanks for the heads up04:42:00
@nodelissimo:matrix.orgnodelissimoclicked it and here I went registered and hoped to get an answer but thanks likewise04:42:09
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljilet’s get you into our dev community04:42:11
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiSee you there!04:42:23
@nodelissimo:matrix.orgnodelissimowill do same handle I hope, regards, Nody04:42:49
@maira28:matrix.orgmaira28 joined the room.18:07:52
@isles:matrix.orgisles joined the room.20:12:09
@isles:matrix.orgislesAttempting to Choose a Network via https://docs.akash.network/guides/version and mainnet does not have api-nodes.txt. Is this intentional? 20:13:26
@isles:matrix.orgislesdiscord, got it.20:21:21
@theoracle68:matrix.orgtheoracle68Please go to https://discord.akash.network and join us there. 20:57:53
20 Jan 2021
@inflation:midov.pl@inflation:midov.pl joined the room.07:44:17
In reply to @boz_menzalji:matrix.org

this channel is not active

Ps how did you come across this link?

the search bar. 328ppl makes this room float pretty high in search results. Add to the room description that this room is abandon and set posting perms to mute for default users?
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiCan you dm me?07:51:02
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiOn discord?07:51:05
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljithis channel is not active07:51:13
In reply to @boz_menzalji:matrix.org
On discord?
i don't have a discord
In reply to @boz_menzalji:matrix.org
this channel is not active
for matrix users, it looks active from the outside
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiI’ll update it shortly to reflect07:53:09
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzaljiwould love to have you join our dev community in discord :)07:53:21
In reply to @boz_menzalji:matrix.org
would love to have you join our dev community in discord :)
haha thxs, but no thanks. I use matrix for it's privacy/FOSS advantages
@inflation:midov.pl@inflation:midov.pl left the room.08:01:36
@boz_menzalji:matrix.orgboz_menzalji changed the room topic to "This room is no longer active. You can find the Akash Developer Chat at: Discord.Akash.Network" from "General chat and conversations ".08:24:36

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