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25 Jul 2017
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org changed their profile picture.15:13:52
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:19:31
18 Aug 2017
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org Hi @pablojan, we are again trying to call SwellRT from node, but window is needed for SwellRT... do you know any way to use SwellRT? should we use PhantomJS? 15:27:04
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org maybe @llopv knows? 15:28:01
21 Aug 2017
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org @atfornes I can't say how much effort that will require, but I can do some experiments this week to figure out 09:55:24
@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org@gitter_atfornes:matrix.org thanks @pablojan, it is actually blocking us a bit while trying to build a simple bot we need. We have tried using phantomJS without any luck (we receive objects without values in the root keys...). 11:03:14
@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org@gitter_krshubham:matrix.org @pablojan , is it possible to make SwellRT js api not rely on window object? Also, if its not completely possible then it would still be great to have some ways to run SwellRT javascript API in non browser environments. 13:06:51
29 Aug 2017
@gitter_arisgiavris:matrix.org@gitter_arisgiavris:matrix.org joined the room.06:04:10

I am sorry to come to your team uninvited. I see that you are discussing very difficult issues for me about SwellRT and Jetpad. I am not an expert in dealing with such complex issues. I'm just an end user of Jetpad. I realize that your job is very important! I would therefore like to make a request: Is there a possibility for a simple end-user to find guidelines for using Jetpad?

Jetpad is very important for my job as a teacher. If there is a forum about simple users of Jetpad, I would like to tell it to me. Please do not refer to the GitHub instructions because they are very difficult for a simple user.

Thank you for hosting.
Aris Giavris

31 Aug 2017
@gitter_nuong:matrix.org@gitter_nuong:matrix.org joined the room.14:44:20
@gitter_nuong:matrix.org@gitter_nuong:matrix.orgHi guys, I am trying to build collaboration text editor with angularJS using the SwellRT javascript API , every thing ok until I want to add widget, I can not find function addWidget in swellrt.editor as document mentioned, is that method available? Any recommends for this problem? Thanks all.14:44:20
5 Sep 2017
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org Hi @nuong widgets were available in the beta version of swellrt. We haven't migrated them yet to the master branch (alpha). If you are interested on development of a collaborative text editor you could check out our JetPad project https://github.com/P2Pvalue/jetpad 15:56:09
6 Sep 2017
@gitter_nuong:matrix.org@gitter_nuong:matrix.org thanks for reply @pablojan 02:23:00
18 Sep 2017
@gitter_johndevor:matrix.org@gitter_johndevor:matrix.org joined the room.19:38:44
@gitter_johndevor:matrix.org@gitter_johndevor:matrix.orgHello. Is SwellRT focused on collaborative text editing or can it (effectively) allow for collaborative editing of arbitrary objects?19:38:44
9 Nov 2017
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org changed their profile picture.09:23:14
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org @johndevor Sorry so much for delaying this answer too long. I went through very hard times in my family these past months. 09:23:15
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgWell, regarding your question... of course you can edit collaboratively arbitrary objects (objects = json objects)09:24:43
23 Jan 2018
@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org joined the room.18:39:59
@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.orghello all18:39:59
24 Jan 2018
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org @imeditatus_twitter Hello Rick, how are u doing 09:48:56
25 Jan 2018
@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org Hey @pablojan - doing well, how are you? 18:51:57
@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_imeditatus_twitter:matrix.orgRoom, I am wondering, can swellrt be applied to anything?19:57:20
3 Feb 2018
@gitter_gaolei8888:matrix.org@gitter_gaolei8888:matrix.org joined the room.07:03:32
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgHi, welcome to the channel11:25:41
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgMy timezone is GMT+1, sorry for delaying anaswers11:26:53
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org @imeditatus_twitter can you be more specific? But yes, swellrt is for general purpose, 11:30:07
4 Feb 2018
@gitter_gaolei8888:matrix.org@gitter_gaolei8888:matrix.orghi, just in general, can this framework replace google realtime API?01:11:30
@gitter_pablojan:matrix.org@gitter_pablojan:matrix.orgYes, more or less, that is the aim of swellrt. I should do a deep comparasiom of features at this moment to give you detailed info.22:07:02

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