
ilugcochin (Indian Libre software User Group Cochin)

262 Members
cochin.ilug.org.in | This room has public logs 29 Servers

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23 Apr 2023
@frank20:matrix.org@frank20:matrix.org joined the room.08:07:30
@mmmo9:matrix.org@mmmo9:matrix.org left the room.16:33:05
24 Apr 2023
@frank20:matrix.org@frank20:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event10:00:04
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen @room We are hoping to register a cooperative society for Prav App and need 50 members from two states (multi state cooperative) or 25 members from a single district in Kerala (primary/district cooperative in Kerala). Across Kerala we have 59 members, but highest in a single district in 13 in Thrissur, we need to find 12 more from Thrissur or 21 more from Ernakulam. Other option would be finding 22 more from Maharashtra, which is at 28. Would you consider becoming a member https://prav.app/become-a-member/? Can you also help find more members? You can see the stats from other districts and states in the same link. 11:37:38
@Puttaalu:matrix.orgPuttaaluI'm not physically in Kerala, does it prevent participation?11:39:06
@Puttaalu:matrix.orgPuttaalu @Praveen 11:39:17
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen Puttaalu for becoming a member of the cooperative, we will need your signature. But there are many other ways to contribute as well, like testing the beta release, talking to friends and other contacts etc 11:40:21
@Puttaalu:matrix.orgPuttaaluLet me spread the word11:41:03
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen https://beta.prav.app/ has the beta version for download, currently you need an invite, but we hope to soon open up for general public 11:41:09
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenIf you are in touch with people still in Kerala, or any other state in India, you can ask them to join. You can also join when you come to Kerala next time.11:42:08
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenOur public discussion group is #prav:poddery.com if you want to meet the community11:43:04
@frank20:matrix.org@frank20:matrix.org left the room.13:26:48
27 Apr 2023
@telegram_5982483510:tchncs.dePhillip Calamai (Telegram) joined the room.03:01:36
@mercy45:matrix.org@mercy45:matrix.org joined the room.12:02:02
28 Apr 2023
@mercy45:matrix.org@mercy45:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:12:32
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.10:11:39
1 May 2023
@telegram_7351948:tchncs.deShrimadhav U K (Telegram) changed their display name from শ্রীমাধব 姓氏(可選) (Telegram) to shri<MAD>hav [TEST 😆🥹] (Telegram).03:58:31
5 May 2023
@telegram_468626687:tchncs.deFrederick Noronha (FN) (Telegram) joined the room.23:06:00
@telegram_468626687:tchncs.deFrederick Noronha (FN) (Telegram) Public Channel for FOSS United, a non-profit organisation that aims at promoting free and open source software in India.
The chats are periodically archived at https://tg.fossunited.org.
LINK TO JOIN THE GROUP (TELEGRAM) https://t.me/fossunited
6 May 2023
@mercy45:matrix.org@mercy45:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:17:12
@thorrry:matrix.orgthorrry joined the room.11:59:13
@thorrry:matrix.orgthorrryRedacted or Malformed Event12:48:22
@mercy45:matrix.org@mercy45:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:08:33
7 May 2023
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen banned @mercy45:matrix.org@mercy45:matrix.org (spam).06:21:39
9 May 2023
@telegram_656408935:tchncs.deKarthik (Telegram) https://yu7.in/pcgw 11:50:33
13 May 2023
@telegram_448212667:tchncs.desh3hz (Telegram) changed their display name from sh3hz (Telegram) to ⸙ꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋꠋ⸙↯͎͎͎ ↯͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎͎.08:21:25
14 May 2023
@telegram_6019604110:tchncs.deCharlotte S. Shea (Telegram) joined the room.02:12:49
15 May 2023
@telegram_6019604110:tchncs.deCharlotte S. Shea (Telegram)Redacted or Malformed Event16:08:48
19 May 2023
@telegram_423233516:tchncs.deOpenHeimmer (Telegram) changed their display name from ScoobyDoo (Telegram) to Championrunner (Telegram).10:42:39
20 May 2023
@telegram_6235545212:tchncs.deAdult (Telegram) joined the room.23:52:14

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