
ilugcochin (Indian Libre software User Group Cochin)

236 Members
cochin.ilug.org.in | This room has public logs 29 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.23:15:16
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their display name Sergio Massa.23:43:21
26 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.00:59:27
@bady:poddery.comPirate Bady changed their profile picture.02:05:38
4 May 2024
@telegram_6354663672:tchncs.deki ki (Telegram) joined the room.11:06:31
@telegram_6354663672:tchncs.deki ki (Telegram)Redacted or Malformed Event11:12:26
9 May 2024
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their profile picture.15:10:12
17 May 2024
@telegram_582294878:tchncs.deAsif Muhammed (Telegram) changed their profile picture.17:30:44
27 May 2024
@telegram_5941751438:tchncs.deBilly Holder (Telegram) joined the room.03:14:34
2 Jun 2024
@telegram_356709971:tchncs.deDevdutt 🧑‍💻 (Telegram) changed their profile picture.20:16:08
4 Jun 2024
@bady:poddery.comPirate Bady changed their profile picture.15:27:49
12 Jun 2024
@blaisemcrowly:matrix.org@blaisemcrowly:matrix.org left the room.17:28:21
13 Jun 2024
@telegram_656408935:tchncs.deKarthik (Telegram) Firefox behaves like Google and Microsoft https://yu7.in/49DJps 😔 14:26:26
14 Jun 2024
@subins2000:matrix.orgSubin changed their display name from Subin (Old) to Subin.21:55:46
@subinsiby:poddery.comSubin (poddery) changed their display name from Subin to Subin (Old).21:59:58
@subins2000:matrix.orgSubin changed their profile picture.22:04:20
@subinsiby:poddery.comSubin (poddery) changed their display name from Subin (Old) to Subin (poddery).22:06:14
16 Jun 2024
@telegram_656408935:tchncs.deKarthik (Telegram) How A.I will make every software a Free Software https://yu7.in/k3acRL 11:53:02
21 Jun 2024
@telegram_1991394477:tchncs.deRanjith Sankar (Telegram) joined the room.05:18:05
11 Jul 2024
@telegram_3288122:tchncs.deMzrn (Telegram) changed their display name from Mz (Telegram) to Mzrn (Telegram).02:14:55
12 Jul 2024
@telegram_656408935:tchncs.deKarthik (Telegram) Hello, if you are front end developer, and you don't want to wait for API development, try out Injee https://yu7.in/injee. It's a no config DB + API bundled to geather so that you can get started with your app fast.

I also need package developers so that I can make injee installable on OSes easily. If you know how to do that please drop a message.
14 Jul 2024
@subins2000:matrix.orgSubin removed their profile picture.14:01:19
@subins2000:matrix.orgSubin set a profile picture.14:01:53
@subins2000:matrix.orgSubin changed their profile picture.14:07:38
16 Jul 2024
@telegram_7392566639:tchncs.deCarlos M. Estes (Telegram) joined the room.10:53:20
24 Jul 2024
@telegram_102809116:tchncs.deஆறு Swartz (he/him) (Telegram) OFF TOPIC

We are testing our BigBlueButtion ( Free software video conferencing tool) capacity at 3:00 pm.
If anyone wishes in joining , please join for 5 mins and help us estimate the capacity

@telegram_102809116:tchncs.deஆறு Swartz (he/him) (Telegram) * OFF TOPIC

We (SFLC.in) are testing our BigBlueButtion ( Free software video conferencing tool) capacity at 3:00 pm.
If anyone wishes in joining , please join for 5 mins and help us estimate the capacity

@telegram_426545806:tchncs.deJesvin Jose (Telegram)How was the test?09:52:49
@telegram_102809116:tchncs.deஆறு Swartz (he/him) (Telegram)
In reply to Jesvin Jose (Telegram)
How was the test?
Was good.
We had some basic estimations recorded
Just to inform everyone, the recording of the call will be deleted tonight.
@telegram_102809116:tchncs.deஆறு Swartz (he/him) (Telegram)Thanks everyone11:27:27

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