
Philly Game Mechanics

104 Members
www.phillygamemechanics.com22 Servers

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16 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFPL99FJ8:matrix.orgWoody Fentress changed their profile picture.21:39:28
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UFPL99FJ8:matrix.orgWoody Fentress changed their profile picture.21:39:29
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U4DLHA6MP:matrix.orgrobert.nally joined the room.21:46:40
17 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_UCU0U2K63:matrix.orgAlex Higgins changed their profile picture.13:38:28
18 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U9N1XR7TP:matrix.orgfloyd joined the room.14:59:32
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U9N1XR7TP:matrix.orgfloyd Is anyone using Godot? If so, do you use their GDScript or C#? 14:59:32
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U9N1XR7TP:matrix.orgfloyd set a profile picture.20:31:28
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U9N1XR7TP:matrix.orgfloyd It's either a good thing or a bad thing when you check in a code revision and add to the "notes" field, "THE END IS NEAR" 20:31:30
19 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8ZET0R1C:matrix.orgAndy changed their profile picture.20:34:19
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8ZET0R1C:matrix.orgAndy anyone have any advice about finding parking near indy hall? Google tells me there is a garage nearby I can use 20:34:20
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs changed their profile picture.20:34:48
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs there was a lot a couple blocks down that I always went to but OTOH it was like $15 20:34:49
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8ZET0R1C:matrix.orgAndy alright i think thats the same one, I'll just go for that. Ty! 20:37:55
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8YTW7A6L:matrix.orgNooka changed their profile picture.20:38:13
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8YTW7A6L:matrix.orgNooka there’s metered parking around 4th st 20:38:16
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1P0PATPH:matrix.orgkkarensk changed their profile picture.20:49:52
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1P0PATPH:matrix.orgkkarensk the bourse has $9 parking for the night after 5pm 20:49:54
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8YTW7A6L:matrix.orgNooka oh damn 20:53:58
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U1P0PATPH:matrix.orgkkarensk it was my go-to when i had to drive in for meetings for like a year hahahaha 20:55:32
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval changed their profile picture.21:24:05
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U5DKF2MFH:matrix.orgasandoval Is there anyone with experience reviewing portfolios who might be interested in joining a future IGDA panel? DM me if so! 21:24:06
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8YTW7A6L:matrix.orgNooka well folks searching for parking has certainly been an adventure so far 23:08:29
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract changed their profile picture.23:29:41
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract FWIW the bourse garage works 23:29:42
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract They upped the price to $10 a year or two ago though. 23:30:51
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U293R2J07:matrix.orgequinoxfract (It’s the one on 4th street) 23:31:22
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8YTW7A6L:matrix.orgNooka Yeah I eventually managed to park there but I drove past it 3x 23:36:07
20 Sep 2019
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U8F59TSP6:matrix.orgkylemagocs INDIE SUBMISSIONS FOR MAGFEST ARE ONLY OPEN FOR TWO MORE DAYS If that’s a thing you’re interested in, get to it 14:11:03
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit changed their profile picture.14:11:39
@_slack_phillygamemechanics_U03DA48RF:matrix.orgsteve_pettit yeah come hang out at the video games anime rave 14:11:39

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