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23 Apr 2024
@_discord_215639768728469504:t2bot.iojb_mods joined the room.21:31:04
25 Apr 2024
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:41:15
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:48:41
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org left the room.03:49:04
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv Unfortunately I have no space to set up a table this year 11:28:06
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv Whole commercial area is taken 11:28:37
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv @room Looks like I can’t do a table at NEARFest this year. Combination of the Deerfield Fair having to do different days and not having access to the normal buildings we usually have. Hopefully we can have a table in October. If anyone is going to Hamvention, I’ll see you there! 11:32:30
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv This is why I wasn’t advertising being at NEARFest this year, I was afraid that the space for us (non-commercial / non profit/ free table) would not be available. 11:34:17
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv * This is why I wasn’t advertising being at NEARFest this April, I was afraid that the space for us (non-commercial / non profit/ free table) would not be available. 11:34:32
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv But on a lark, I thought I would check it out 11:34:49
@_discord_284282175107629056:t2bot.ioKD2YFY - Adam Bummer, I am glad I decided to wait to go back till October. My wallet also thanks me as well lol. Hope to see you guys in october! 11:37:32
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv No, hopefully I can reclaim my pto lol 11:39:42
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv * Now, hopefully I can reclaim my pto lol 11:39:50
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt I can make some space for you if you want, I apologize I'm just seeing this. 16:33:29
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt kc1awv 16:39:29
@_discord_703620006172426370:t2bot.ioct7afypauloxarez joined the room.21:27:24
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt You didn't miss much 19:42:48
@_discord_190396859754348544:t2bot.io.parttimelegend changed their profile picture.21:11:14
@_discord_771492214743367688:t2bot.iokc1awv That's a shame, I had a feeling with the date change it was going to be a bit of a bust. At least I was able to reclaim the PTO 21:32:33
@_discord_946898626536439908:t2bot.ion1iimbonnie Wasn't a bust at all. Still lots of people 23:30:58
27 Apr 2024
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt Were you in the vendor building? 01:30:35
@_discord_356876862192091136:t2bot.iotarxvf It was basically two of the usual fridays in a row. Quieter, but surprisingly busy considering. 03:17:35
@_discord_354120601494880266:t2bot.iok37chup joined the room.04:54:44
@_discord_946898626536439908:t2bot.ion1iimbonnie I walked through yes but to be Frank. No one knew you guys were in there. Lack of advertising! 10:45:26
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt I heard that so many times. They put some signs up, or better signs up late Thursday. Depending on where you were you couldn't see them though. We got a little surge of people Friday afternoon but had to pickup and be out by 3. Sales were down 60% from last year. 14:23:44
@_discord_946898626536439908:t2bot.ion1iimbonnie Sry to hear that 14:25:02
@_discord_245750948201365505:t2bot.ion2yqt Yeah it wasn't a bust at all though. The sausage and peppers cart was yummy like usual. 15:17:16
@_discord_946898626536439908:t2bot.ion1iimbonnie I agree although I went for the chille myself 15:41:55
@_discord_389719377169350657:t2bot.ioDK1MI / N1BSD joined the room.17:45:39
@_discord_389856787697893396:t2bot.ion7ekb joined the room.21:21:13

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