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4 Aug 2018
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostoh so your windows IS in legacy mode?14:59:10
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostso that should be a very easy fix14:59:17
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostyou should be able to easily boot your manjaro live cd in legacy and install14:59:31
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowI believe both are on uefi14:59:35
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenow My board just doesn't let me choose uefi as the main priority for GRUB 15:00:23
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowOnly for Windows15:00:48
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostso when you boot the live cd, you did choose UEFI15:02:03
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostthe live cd booted fine and you installed manjaro from there?15:02:10
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostand in the bios can you send a picture of the UEFI menu15:03:34
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowGive me a sec15:03:59
Download IMG_20180804_160553.jpg
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowI dunno why he keeps multiplying the usb15:07:34
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowI only have one15:07:41
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowThe SSD does not have an option for uefi15:08:25
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostso thats the boot options menu15:09:05
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostthere should be a different list of drives with a different UEFI menu15:09:21
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowI have another menu15:09:36
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostit would only show the 3 internal hard drives you have15:09:44
Download IMG_20180804_160905.jpg
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghoststill should be a different menu15:10:44
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostthats still boot options15:10:50
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostshould be devices menu or something15:11:05
@pickmenow:matrix.orgpickmenowRelated to bios I have this settings15:11:59
Download IMG_20180804_161126.jpg
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostCSM is something i see in threads that people turn off and it works15:12:49
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostbut depending on how they installed manjaro15:12:56
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgzero-ghostso you can try that15:13:08

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