
Jeon project (another Matrix implementation on java)

24 Members
https://github.com/ma1uta/jeon (mirror: https://gitlab.com/ma1uta/jeon)9 Servers

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24 Sep 2018
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaIt helps me.18:14:25
25 Sep 2018
@thehurley3:matrix.org@thehurley3:matrix.org invited @matt:thehurley3.commatt.19:03:31
@matt:thehurley3.commatt joined the room.19:03:40
@matt:thehurley3.commatt left the room.19:12:54
@matt:thehurley3.commatt joined the room.19:14:13
28 Sep 2018
@matt:thehurley3.commatt set a profile picture.01:39:20
1 Oct 2018
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaI have started migrate to the swagger 3.X and OpenAPI 3.0 definitin. Also Updated JAX-RS to 2.1. Then I am getting rid of the vendor lock-in to the Jackson and will use JSONB.05:14:00
4 Oct 2018
@matt:thehurley3.commatt ma1uta: thank you for removing the vendor lock-in, will I need to include any other libraries into my server's pom to handle the json serial/deserial 18:02:35
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaJSON-B (JSR-367) is a only specification so you need to have the implementation in the classpath. There are implementations: Yasson (https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/yasson the RI), Jackson2 via the jackson-jsonb-provider (https://github.com/devcon5io/jackson-jsonb-provider) of the community or DSL-JSON (https://github.com/ngs-doo/dsl-json) the fastest json serializer/deserializer.19:33:18
@matt:thehurley3.commattthank you, I'm pretty new to just jetty I've always used Play or SpringBoot for webservers mostly for work so it always just shipped with what I needed or someone else set up the dependencys. This time its just me and I'm using jetty embedded. I feel jetty + making most things on my own fits better for this project then using all the pre incluided weight that play and spring come with20:20:03
5 Oct 2018
@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.net@MTRNord:matrix.ffslfl.net left the room.19:37:03
11 Oct 2018
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta Some bad news: in java we have the json-b (jsr 367) is a open specifications. But there is only one implementation - the slow https://github.com/eclipse/yasson. Other libraries have broken or partial support. 10:57:44
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixthat is surprising, seems like json-object binding would be something fairly fundamental?11:00:21
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaAlso I will refactor event objects. Current clads hierarchy is unusable and too complicated.11:15:15
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrix Maximus might have information 11:00:43
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.ioGson is what I use for anything JSON related11:38:28
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.io https://github.com/google/gson 11:38:52
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaYep, de facto developers uses jackson or json.13:00:44
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta I will look at https://github.com/protostuff/protostuff the serialization library based on the protocol buffers but can works with the json too. 13:05:57
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.io ma1uta: is there an issue with Gson? 14:09:57
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta The main idea of the Jeon is a open specification. Using this interfaces you can write you own implementation and run it on your own server. Jeon can run on any jee 8.0 server with full or micro profile (wildfly 14, websphere 18, glassfish 5, https://helidon.io, etc). Therefore I use a JAX-RS 2.1 for the interface description, Swagger for the OpenAPI schema autocreation (I have migrated to the third version and preparing the Matrix API specification (json and yaml)), JSON-B for json model binding, slf4j-api for logging. There isn't issue with Gson, you can use it as a implementation of the json model binding. Or replace it with the Yasson or Jackson in depend on what you use. 14:55:14
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.ioah I see, I didn't realise it was integrated that much as a standard - fair enough14:57:13
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta And then I want to write my own matrix server. :) I spent some weeks to investigate platforms, web servers, frameworks, libraries which I will use. And I'm spending some time to investigate Matrix bottlenecks. For example describe (with tests) the state resolution algorithms and other rules (https://matrix.org/docs/spec/server_server/unstable.html#id25, https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html#id266, https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html#id346, etc). 15:11:02
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utaAnd I am still waiting the release of the federation API.15:13:47
@max:kamax.io@max:kamax.ioGood luck with the HS part15:13:57
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1utabenpa: when will the Federation be released? :-)15:15:21
In reply to @max:kamax.io
Good luck with the HS part
@ma1uta:ru-matrix.orgma1uta*Federation API15:15:46
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa-matrixwith regret: I don't have a date15:16:22

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