
Bonfire Technical Chat

81 Members
Room for technical discussions about Bonfire, to complement the issue tracker: https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/milestones?direction=asc&sort=due_date&state=open24 Servers

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24 Feb 2024

somehow it didn't work, in mix deps.tree i still see:

│   ├── paginator (https://github.com/bonfire-networks/paginator - origin/main) *override*
│   │   ├── ecto ~> 3.0 (Hex package)
│   │   ├── ecto_sql ~> 3.8 (Hex package)
│   │   ├── needle_ulid ~> 0.3 (Hex package)
│   │   ├── plug_crypto ~> 1.2.0 (Hex package)

but right now I have to leave. I'll try again probably tomorrow thanks for your help

@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Oh just merged the paginator PR, you prob need `mix deps.update paginator` now 19:22:37
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel No hurry of course! 19:23:02
paul@prematurata /tmp/bonfire_ui_me [env]$ mix deps.update paginator
Load config/config.exs from bonfire_spark dep
* Updating paginator (https://github.com/bonfire-networks/paginator - origin/main)
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.        
remote: Total 5 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0        
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Resolution completed in 0.99s
Because every version of wobserver_ng depends on plug_cowboy ~> 2.6.0 and your app depends on plug_cowboy ~> 2.7, no version of wobserver_ng is allowed.
So, because your app depends on wobserver_ng ~> 1.14, version solving failed.
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Nice, have a good evening! 19:24:43
2 Mar 2024
@cambriale:matrix.orgivanhi :) recently i've started playing with LiveDashboard tool to investigate the causes of bonfire being so slow... I have the gut feeling is not a matter of optimizing in lot of places, but that there may be few bottlenecks that slows the whole app (but it's really just a gut feeling and others may disagree) I've started reporting the finding here https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/issues/891 but not being a BEAM expert i'm not sure if those metrics are a strong indication or not really, any feedback would be very welcome :) 16:05:44
@earthlingterra:matrix.orgterra set a profile picture.20:52:11
5 Mar 2024
@box464:matrix.orgJeff joined the room.05:14:58

Hi there! I'm walking through the Bonfire Setup Documentation and preparing an instance running on my local homelab, using the Docker B1 option. I'm filling out the configuration variables, and got to the S3 container config section, which states:

UPLOADS_S3_BUCKET and the related API key and secret for uploads. WARNING: If you want to store uploads in an object storage rather than directly on your server (which you probably want, to not run out of space), you need to configure that up front, otherwise URLs will break if you change it later. See config/runtime.exs for extra variables to set if you're not using the default service and region (which is Scaleway Paris).

So of course I want to be difficult and use my own S3 vendor, not Scaleway. When I look at config/runtime.exs tho I'm not seeing any variables related to S3 storage? I see a bonfire_files.exs and when I open that, it says "See Bonfire.Files.RuntimeConfig for what env vars to set". But..I don't know where that is either. 😆

@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Ah apologies the docs are out of date. Firstly the warning may no longer apply thanks to a recent refactor (though would be good to test that to be sure). Second, the upload settings are defined in https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire_files/blob/main/lib%2Fruntime_config.ex#L26 08:03:18
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel (we also now have the ability to copy files between storages, though still need to write some migration logic around that, I'll add to the backlog) 08:06:12
@box464:matrix.orgJeffThanks for the pointers! I'll get back to this after my work day. Looking forward to it.14:20:50
6 Mar 2024
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandy left the room.13:39:52
9 Mar 2024

I'm back again, causing trouble. After running "just config", I see the following message:

Now make sure to finish the flavour setup with just setup. You can also edit your config for flavour 'classic' in /.env and ./config/ more generally.

But I don't see that "just setup" command listed anywhere in the deploy docs. My assumption is: alter any ./env and ./config/* fields as needed, then run "just setup" after that point, then move on to "just rel-run"? (Going Docker Easy Mode, B1 option)

In reply to @box464:matrix.org

I'm back again, causing trouble. After running "just config", I see the following message:

Now make sure to finish the flavour setup with just setup. You can also edit your config for flavour 'classic' in /.env and ./config/ more generally.

But I don't see that "just setup" command listed anywhere in the deploy docs. My assumption is: alter any ./env and ./config/* fields as needed, then run "just setup" after that point, then move on to "just rel-run"? (Going Docker Easy Mode, B1 option)

Ah yeah that's a recent change. I think you can run just setup straight away and then edit the configs...

Ok getting farther along. I had already edited the configs, and then ran the just config afterwards.

I saw a warning and then a couple of errors which I assume are associated.

WARN[0000] The "ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
error: Recipe mix-remote failed on line 806 with exit code 14
Oops, could not download mix deps
env file /home/box464/bonfire/config/dev/.env not found: stat /home/box464/bonfire/config/dev/.env: no such file or directory
error: Recipe cmd failed on line 764 with exit code 14
error: Recipe js-ext-deps failed on line 377 with exit code 14
error: Recipe deps-get failed on line 346 with exit code 14
error: Recipe setup-prod failed on line 159 with exit code 14
error: Recipe setup failed on line 84 with exit code 14

@mayel:matrix.orgMayel that's strange, what env file did you edit if that one doesn’t exist? 18:06:05
@box464:matrix.orgJeffi updated the ./.env file - my mix_env variable it set to prod - and that's where I see the .env file with my changes as well. but for some reason it's looking for the config file in the dev folder and that's empty. I can switch the mix_env variable to dev and re-run the just config, see if it populates the dev folder with my updates?19:43:59
@box464:matrix.orgJeff * i updated the ./.env file - my mix_env variable is set to prod - and that's where I see the .env file with my changes as well. but for some reason it's looking for the config file in the dev folder and that's empty. I can switch the mix_env variable to dev and re-run the just config, see if it populates the dev folder with my updates? 19:44:15
@box464:matrix.orgJeff * i updated the ./.env file - my mix_env variable is set to prod - and I see the .env file with my changes copied into the prod/.env file, too. but for some reason it's looking for the config file in the dev folder and that's empty. I can switch the mix_env variable to dev and re-run the just config, see if it populates the dev folder with my updates? 19:44:51
@box464:matrix.orgJeff But also - the .env file doesn't have an "ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE" variable there and I don't know what it should be. Is elixir a dependency I should install as a pre-requisite? 19:56:40
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Oh I didn’t realise this was for prod, sorry! Then it shouldn’t be looking for a dev folder… 20:00:56
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel And with option B1 it shouldn’t be trying to install deps 20:04:50
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Apologies, not many people have deployed using this method yet 20:05:14
@box464:matrix.orgJeffI'm going to walk through the install one more time - I've got snapshots setup so it's easy to scrap and go back a few steps.20:05:40
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel I think you can skip `just setup` in this case 20:05:51
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Since that's for compiling 20:06:17
In reply to @mayel:matrix.org
Apologies, not many people have deployed using this method yet

No worries at all I'm just playing around with it.

I did want to mention something about the docs:

I JUST noticed the pinned item at the top of this room about the location of docs. And it's a different URL / format than what I was initially following, which I got to from https://bonfirenetworks.org > https://bonfirenetworks.org/docs/deploy

And then this chat has: https://doc.bonfiirenetworks.org

Are they the same content, just deployed to different doc sites? They look fairly similar.


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