
Bonfire Technical Chat

79 Members
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22 Jul 2022
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄weird00:57:19
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄How do you send to a circle?00:57:39
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄does a circle need a custom boundary?00:57:51
@mayel:matrix.orgMayelyeah you include it in a boundary, can do so ahead of time in settings or directly while composing a post00:58:36
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄im still confused on the difference00:59:40
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄like what would be an example circle name and associated boundary name?00:59:52
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄like I have one called "devs" is that a circle or a boundary?01:00:05
@mayel:matrix.orgMayeldo you mind moving this to the playground? as others there would prob find the discussion useful01:01:52
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄sure!01:02:30
@vera:fairydust.spacemoonlion.eth (vera) 🍄https://playground.bonfire.cafe/post/01G8HPXB1HBBCE6GTB2CHYZZ9C#01:04:32
In reply to @vera:fairydust.space
replied there
3 Aug 2022
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreHello all! I hope you are very well!09:45:30
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreI am working in ERM (Earth Relationships Management) which could become Bonfire Nature. Using valueflows for Ecological accounting. In my dev machine Bonfire uses a lot of resources. Is this normal? I am trying to see how to use it but at the same time I would like ERM to be very light.09:47:46
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreAny advice? I keep getting out of memory warnings.09:48:11
@cambriale:matrix.orgivanHey, sounds weird...can u share some logs?09:50:15
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreI am trying easy now and it seems faster10:37:33
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibrebut I am getting this error now10:37:37
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibre invalid value for property "textarea_class". Expected a :string, got: ["editor_area h-full", {:"!min-h-[120px]", false}, {:"!h-full !min-h-[420px]", false}, {:"h-auto rounded-lg border border-base-content/30", false}].
Original expression: {"editor_area h-full",
"!min-h-[120px]": Settings.get([:ui, :smart_input_as], nil, @context)==:sidebar and e(@thread_mode, nil) != :flat,
"!h-full !min-h-[420px]": e(@showing_within, nil) in [:page, :compose],
"h-auto rounded-lg border border-base-content/30": e(@thread_mode, nil) == :flat
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreI was using all docker before10:38:02
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreThis happens when trying to add the user information username and details10:38:44
@cambriale:matrix.orgivanoh yeah it happened to me as well yesterday when using gitpod, prob we missed that props during our last refactor10:40:20
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibrehow can I fix it?10:52:52
@cambriale:matrix.orgivanuhm are u working with some local fork?11:01:58
@cambriale:matrix.orgivan try to fork bonfire_ui_common with:
just dep-clone-local bonfire_ui_common https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire_ui_common
and add it to your config/deps.path :
bonfire_ui_common = "./forks/bonfire_ui_common"
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreNo local fork. Using the instructions in the docds11:05:15
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreJust config, just setup, just env11:05:39
In reply to @cambriale:matrix.org
try to fork bonfire_ui_common with:
just dep-clone-local bonfire_ui_common https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire_ui_common
and add it to your config/deps.path :
bonfire_ui_common = "./forks/bonfire_ui_common"
this is a workaround to launch the app now, ill be able to debug it properly this evening / tomorrow
@tierralibre:matrix.orgTierraLibreThank you!12:04:34
14 Aug 2022
@cevado:matrix.orgcevado changed their profile picture.14:09:56
27 Aug 2022
@mayel:matrix.orgMayelWondering if this can help us optimise feed queries: https://github.com/bitfo/timescale 22:35:33

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