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9 May 2024

Hello Bonfires :) long time no see sorry for disappearing for some time, life got in the way. I have set up a Bonfire 0.9.10-beta.62 instance up at bonfire.fishinthecalculator.me (right now I killed nginx so you can't access it, I'd like to disable open signups first). I'd like to use it next week at Reclaim the Tech festival in Bologna . I was able to register, so the instance kind of works but if I try to open settings to disable the signups I get a 500. The steps I followed were mostly from Jeff guide and the official doc and can be summed up as:

  1. docker pull bonfirenetworks/bonfire
  2. docker run bonfirenetworks/bonfire bin/bonfire start_iex migrations are automatically run and when I execute Bonfire.Common.Repo.migrate at the REPL I get a list of green oks
  3. I kill the REPL with Ctrl-c Ctrl-c and start the actual process with docker run bonfirenetworks/bonfire bin/bonfire start

Am I doing something that is obviously wrong in your opinion? Otherwise I can share stacktraces. Hope you are having a nice day and thanks a lot for all your work

@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator *

Hello Bonfires :) long time no see sorry for disappearing for some time, life got in the way. I have set up a Bonfire 0.9.10-beta.62 instance up at bonfire.fishinthecalculator.me (right now I killed nginx so you can't access it, I'd like to disable open signups first). I'd like to use it next week at Reclaim the Tech festival in Bologna . I was able to register, so the instance kind of works but if I try to open settings to disable the signups I get a 500. The steps I followed were mostly from Jeff guide and the official doc and can be summed up as:

  1. docker pull bonfirenetworks/bonfire
  2. docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start_iex migrations are automatically run and when I execute Bonfire.Common.Repo.migrate at the REPL I get a list of green oks
  3. I kill the REPL with Ctrl-c Ctrl-c and start the actual process with docker run --entrypoint bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start

Am I doing something that is obviously wrong in your opinion? Otherwise I can share stacktraces. Hope you are having a nice day and thanks a lot for all your work

@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator *

Hello Bonfires :) long time no see sorry for disappearing for some time, life got in the way. I have set up a Bonfire 0.9.10-beta.62 instance up at bonfire.fishinthecalculator.me (right now I killed nginx so you can't access it, I'd like to disable open signups first). I'd like to use it next week at Reclaim the Tech festival in Bologna . I was able to register, so the instance kind of works but if I try to open settings to disable the signups I get a 500. The steps I followed were mostly from Jeff guide and the official doc and can be summed up as:

  1. docker pull bonfirenetworks/bonfire
  2. docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start_iex migrations are automatically run and when I execute Bonfire.Common.Repo.migrate at the REPL I get a list of green oks
  3. I kill the REPL with Ctrl-c Ctrl-c and start the actual process with docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start

Am I doing something that is obviously wrong in your opinion? Otherwise I can share stacktraces. Hope you are having a nice day and thanks a lot for all your work

In reply to @fishinthecalculator:matrix.org

Hello Bonfires :) long time no see sorry for disappearing for some time, life got in the way. I have set up a Bonfire 0.9.10-beta.62 instance up at bonfire.fishinthecalculator.me (right now I killed nginx so you can't access it, I'd like to disable open signups first). I'd like to use it next week at Reclaim the Tech festival in Bologna . I was able to register, so the instance kind of works but if I try to open settings to disable the signups I get a 500. The steps I followed were mostly from Jeff guide and the official doc and can be summed up as:

  1. docker pull bonfirenetworks/bonfire
  2. docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start_iex migrations are automatically run and when I execute Bonfire.Common.Repo.migrate at the REPL I get a list of green oks
  3. I kill the REPL with Ctrl-c Ctrl-c and start the actual process with docker run --entrypoint bonfirenetworks/bonfire -c bin/bonfire start

Am I doing something that is obviously wrong in your opinion? Otherwise I can share stacktraces. Hope you are having a nice day and thanks a lot for all your work

Hey, what tag/version is that pulling? You probably want latest-classic-amd64 or latest-classic-aarch64 depending on your arch, since latest-classic is meant to be a multi-arch one built by CI but that’s not currently working/enabled
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel (Not sure what just `latest` is meant to be actually) 18:13:25
In reply to @mayel:matrix.org
(Not sure what just `latest` is meant to be actually)
huh looks like we have no such tag
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator I'm using 0.9.10-beta.62-classic-amd64 18:16:56
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel l 18:18:42
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel * Ah ok good 18:18:51
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Any logs related to the 500 error? 18:19:17
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel (You can see them directly in your terminal if running with iex, as in command 2 above) 18:20:19
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorRedacted or Malformed Event18:24:43
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorsorry horrible formatting I'm sending another better file18:26:10
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorDownload bonfire.log18:28:13
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Huh, weirdly seeing no details there 18:32:11
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel You get the same for instance settings? At /settings/instance 18:32:31
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Or /settings/instance/configuration 18:32:40
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Btw for restricting signups, you can also set INVITE_ONLY=true in env 18:34:17
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorperfect this I'll do right away thanks18:36:11
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorDownload bonfire_settings_instance.log18:36:51
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator about /settings/instance 18:36:54

One error that shows in both cases is I believe

[error] ** Elixir.FunctionClauseError: no function clause matching in Bonfire.Web.Router.Reverse.path/2: bonfire 0.1.0-beta.4: lib/bonfire-0.1.0-beta.4/priv/extras/router_reverse.ex:9: Bonfire.Web.Router.Reverse.path(Bonfire.Web.Endpoint, Bonfire.OpenScience.Web.Routes)
2024-05-09 20:20:45 bonfire_common 0.1.0: lib/utils.ex:459: Bonfire.Common.Utils.maybe_apply/4
2024-05-09 20:20:45 bonfire_common 0.1.0: lib/uris.ex:57: Bonfire.Common.URIs.path/3
2024-05-09 20:20:45 bonfire_common 0.1.0: lib/modularity/declare_helpers.ex:31: Bonfire.Common.Modularity.DeclareHelpers.generate_link/3
2024-05-09 20:20:45 bonfire_common 0.1.0: lib/modularity/extension_behaviours/extension_module.ex:57: Bonfire.Common.ExtensionModule.default_nav/1
2024-05-09 20:20:45 elixir 1.16.2: lib/enum.ex:4326: Enum.flat_map_list/2
2024-05-09 20:20:45 elixir 1.16.2: lib/enum.ex:4327: Enum.flat_map_list/2
2024-05-09 20:20:45 bonfire_ui_me 0.1.0: lib/views/settings/settings_live.ex:22: Bonfire.UI.Me.SettingsLive."mount (overridable 1)"/3
2024-05-09 20:20:45 
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Yeah I see but that one shouldn’t cause a crash (because it’s wrapped in maybe_apply which rescues on FunctionClauseError) 18:40:35
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel * Yeah I see but that one shouldn’t cause a crash (because it’s wrapped in maybe_apply which rescues on FunctionClauseError, prints the error and returns the error or a fallback instead) 18:41:14
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel It may be worth making a new release, since that one was made quickly and not really tested (only made to figure out the build process with yunohost)  18:47:27
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel I'll try one later 18:47:36
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorThank you very much :) 18:48:32
In reply to @fishinthecalculator:matrix.org
I'm using 0.9.10-beta.62-classic-amd64
Alright latest-classic-amd64 is updated to 0.9.10-beta.70
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel There’s some known UX issues but hopefully more usable! 21:49:51
10 May 2024
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculatorThank you I'll try asap08:00:01

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