
Bonfire Technical Chat

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Room for technical discussions about Bonfire, to complement the issue tracker: https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/milestones?direction=asc&sort=due_date&state=open25 Servers

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10 Mar 2024
In reply to @box464:matrix.org
In both cases, the migrations folder doesn't exist. In each of the repo folders, there is a single "seeds.exs" file, but no other folders or files.
* Alright got a new docker image ready (0.9.10-beta.5) if you could try with that? (Please note there are some refactors in progress so you may experience some oddities with the UI)
Download image.png
@box464:matrix.orgJeffAlright!!!! @Mayel thanks for all your help the past few days, I really appreciate it.22:26:02
@box464:matrix.orgJeff * Alright!!!! Mayel thanks for all your help the past few days, I really appreciate it. 22:26:22
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Awesome! Thank you for going through it, fixed a couple issues and have got some docs to improve! 22:27:38
@box464:matrix.orgJeffI'm going to continue on, cleaning up my install journal and adding what we went through today. I want to take it at least through an initial post in the system. But maybe a bit of a break first. :)22:30:15
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel šŸ‘šŸ˜ 22:32:17
13 Mar 2024
Download image.png
@box464:matrix.orgJeffEvening! Check this out - pretty good. Forkeys are notoriously finicky. But the biggest triumph is GoToSocial. Their signature requirements are the most strict and all worked! 02:03:38
@box464:matrix.orgJeffHere's my second round of notes. https://box464.com/posts/bonfire-configuration-notes-part2/05:29:21
In reply to@box464:matrix.org
Evening! Check this out - pretty good. Forkeys are notoriously finicky. But the biggest triumph is GoToSocial. Their signature requirements are the most strict and all worked!
pixelfed is notoriously not federating too by the way
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Hmm I have done testing with pixelfed and had it working but did notice some oddness around whether it correctly detected posts with an image attachmentĀ and showed them in feeds (andĀ not sure if/how it handles text posts) so yeah needs to be looked into 12:10:19

Here's a link to a post if you need it for testing.
Pixelfed, auth required

Original Bonfire Post

@box464:matrix.orgJeffI think it has to do with my S3 config, perhaps.13:57:37
@dumpsterqueer:ondergrond.orgtobi (they/them) joined the room.15:28:21
In reply to @box464:matrix.org
I think it has to do with my S3 config, perhaps.
Ah it seems our code may be incompatible with the way cloudflare's s3 seems to work, I see that the url of the image doesnā€™t end with an extension (eg. .jpg) and weā€™re looking for that to display it as an image. Probably an easy fix since we already know itā€™s an image (at the point when you upload it) and that logic is more intended for remote contentā€¦

Yeah it's probably the signed URLs requirement making things difficult - my bucket isn't public.

I followed the same path I did when setting up GoToSocial. Except I did that on AWS.

I believe most fediverse platforms just have fully public buckets. You'd need an S3_ALIAS_HOST variable in addition to the S3_HOST one for that in Cloudflare.

But my understanding is limited from that point forward!

17 Mar 2024
@box464:matrix.orgJeffEvening. Here's the final blog post for my install process for Bonfire. Please take a look at the intro and everything below the Federation section, and let me know if there's anything that should be corrected there. The rest are just my cleaned up notes from the prior posts. Appreciate all the assistance I received on this! https://box464.com/posts/bonfire-setup-guide/#federation06:47:35
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Thanks again Jeff! 14:31:31
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel On a different topic, following a chat with fishinthecalculator Iā€™ve implemented something we had in mind for a while: https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/issues/910 14:32:34
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel This now means that flavours are merely a package of pre-set settings (including what extensions to enable by default) and admins and users have full flexibility to change things at runtime (including enabling any extensions, since they are all compiled in the same release) 14:35:10
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel * This now means that flavours are merely a package of pre-set settings (including what extensions to enable by default) and admins and users have full flexibility to change things at runtime (including enabling any extensions, since they are all compiled into the release) 14:35:24
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel Of course third party extension devs would still need to either submit a PR to get their extension added to a flavour (e.g. https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/blob/main/flavours/classic/config/deps.flavour.git) or compile a bespoke release 14:38:02
@adrianhblack:lostpod.meAdriannice idea19:19:22
21 Mar 2024
@damon/:matrix.org@damon/:matrix.org joined the room.17:13:05
@damon/:matrix.org@damon/:matrix.org joined the room.17:14:12
@damon/:matrix.org@damon/:matrix.org left the room.17:15:49
28 Mar 2024
@box464:matrix.orgJeffCo-Op Cloud just did a demo speed run install of Bonfire - it took literal minutes. šŸ¤¦ I'm going to try that route in the next few weeks to compare.22:31:17
12 Apr 2024
@jorgeluis:pub.solarJorge Luis changed their profile picture.19:26:31

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