
Share the Commons

43 Members
Commons enthusiasts share files and links to cultural, educational, artistic "material". Fight archaic copyright by sharing the Commons. [Please, try to mostly _share_ here; this is not for long discussions, but rather a list of resources; only CC/PD/CL/Libre files; illegal sharing will be deleted by admin]3 Servers

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5 Apr 2019
@headlessghost:matrix.orgheadlessghost hello 大家好! I just joined from stragu (he/him/his) ssb link. nice to meet u'all 15:39:32
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his) changed the room topic to "Commons enthusiasts share files and links to cultural, educational, artistic "material". Fight archaic copyright by sharing the Commons. [Please, try to mostly _share_ here; this is not for long discussions, but rather a list of resources; only CC/PD/CL/Libre files; illegal sharing will be deleted by admin]" from "Commons enthusiasts share files and links to cultural, educational, artistic "material". Fight archaic copyright by sharing the Commons. [Please, only _share_ here; this is not for discussions; only CC/PD/CL/Libre files; illegal sharing will be deleted by admin]".23:25:46
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Redacted or Malformed Event23:26:18
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his) welcome, headlessghost ! 23:26:36
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)
In reply to @saqeram:matrix.org
I was also spending some time this morning trying to figure out if JLBorges was public domain yet or not. Turns out his work isn't in PD yet. 😞 I was considering translating him.
Welcome here! :)
When is Borges' work supposed to become PD?
6 Apr 2019
@saqeram:matrix.orgSaqeramHe died in 1986, and that's not life+50/70 yet.02:22:07
@setthemfree:matrix.org∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷ joined the room.09:41:25
20 Apr 2019
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)LibriVox: free public domain audiobooks. https://librivox.org/13:49:50
22 Apr 2019
@ewanf:matrix.orgewan joined the room.15:18:10
6 May 2019
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Norah Lorway is a "a digital health researcher and programmer." She is also "interested in Live Coding, Human Computer Interaction, VR/MR experiences, immersive audio, AI and Interactive Music and new media medicine." This is a great little EP of experimental/ambient coded electronic music: https://xylemrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sea-of-strangers11:59:53
@Kooda:elynx.frKoodaOooh, right up my alley. :D12:11:54
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Not sure if I shared this one before, but this album from 2016 is an absolute gem. So diverse, challenging, and spot on: https://crashsymbols.bandcamp.com/album/odor-orienting12:20:15
9 May 2019
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)And here's the latest release on Kamizdat, by Shekuza. One of the rare physical releases under Creative Commons around: beautiful USB booklets. Excellent techno tracks in there. https://shekuza.bandcamp.com/album/de-sica06:56:01
10 May 2019
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Very good downtempo / electronic / ambient album by Niteffect: https://niteffect.bandcamp.com/album/the-wage-of-forgetting06:33:21
@Kooda:elynx.frKoodaOoh, that’s nice! Thanks for sharing! ^^20:16:12
16 May 2019
@annelies:matrix.organnelies joined the room.15:35:41
31 May 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos joined the room.07:00:36
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmosHi there, I saw the invite link on scuttlebutt/patchwork07:01:21
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos feel free to join #DataMatter:openintents.modular.im #pentest:openintents.modular.im or our main room #privy:hackerspaces.be I hopefully advertising/sharing our room is allowed 07:10:37
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmosAnyway if it's not allowed lmk07:10:43
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his) hey Atmos , welcome here! Thanks for the links. Yes, this room is mostly to share (links to) stuff released into the Commons – see description at the top of the room. Fun track though! 11:12:36
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmosTy it's my good friend, i love is originality11:13:32
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos stragu (he/him/his): Also the fact i relate to lot's of what he say. His songs are filled of inside jokes and little "inside" that you had to be online and saw it to understand. 11:14:31
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmosWhich is probably why his music motivated me a lot.11:14:45
1 Jun 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos changed their display name from Atmos to :://telnet.04:52:43
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos changed their display name from :://telnet to HappyVpnCustomer101.05:23:31
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos changed their display name from HappyVpnCustomer101 to U̼̥̻̮͍͖n͠i͏c̯̮o̬̝̠͉̤d͖͟e̫̟͟ͅ.05:27:58
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.imAtmos changed their display name from U̼̥̻̮͍͖n͠i͏c̯̮o̬̝̠͉̤d͖͟e̫̟͟ͅ to atmos.05:28:02

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