
Share the Commons

42 Members
Commons enthusiasts share files and links to cultural, educational, artistic "material". Fight archaic copyright by sharing the Commons. [Please, try to mostly _share_ here; this is not for long discussions, but rather a list of resources; only CC/PD/CL/Libre files; illegal sharing will be deleted by admin]3 Servers

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10 Apr 2020
@rascar_capac:matrix.org@rascar_capac:matrix.orgBecause I’m nobody14:57:18
@rascar_capac:matrix.org@rascar_capac:matrix.org left the room.14:57:37
11 Apr 2020
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Interesting!04:59:34
13 Apr 2020
@nbnw:matrix.org@nbnw:matrix.org left the room.12:44:01
15 Apr 2020
19 Apr 2020
@pedroferreira:matrix.org@pedroferreira:matrix.org joined the room.15:28:52
28 Apr 2020
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)Oooh this is very good: https://neeva.bandcamp.com/11:51:59
@hairylarry:matrix.orghairylarryThanks for the music Stephane. Looking forward to hearing it later today.13:31:27
7 May 2020
@bao_yu:matrix.orgBao Yu joined the room.22:23:49
11 May 2020
@XoseM:matrix.org@XoseM:matrix.org changed their display name from XoseM to ghose.13:09:37
17 May 2020
@XoseM:matrix.org@XoseM:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:18:57
29 Jun 2020
@duongdominhchau:matrix.org@duongdominhchau:matrix.org joined the room.06:59:17
@duongdominhchau:matrix.org@duongdominhchau:matrix.org left the room.07:48:48
2 Jul 2020
@kingdollop:matrix.orgkingdollop joined the room.08:38:11
7 Jul 2020
@jaliyah7458:matrix.org@jaliyah7458:matrix.org joined the room.15:44:38
8 Jul 2020
@jaliyah7458:matrix.org@jaliyah7458:matrix.org left the room.01:02:13
@puithnqmt:matrix.org@puithnqmt:matrix.org joined the room.14:04:24
@puithnqmt:matrix.org@puithnqmt:matrix.org left the room.14:32:37
29 Jul 2020
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgAnyone familiar with the copyright policy of archive.org?15:48:44
10 Aug 2020
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his) Not sure what you mean, Ixquick <OG> ? All I know is that it all depends on each item in there, i.e. what the uploader/rights owner decided the licence should be. 05:42:09
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)

Great varied electronic music by micro, released back in June this year. What you pay will be donated. Excerpt of the notes:

all proceeds from this record will be donated.
while i don't want to promote my art at this time, it is the best way for me to help fundraise for the numerous causes and individuals who need support. i will mainly be donating funds to Brave Space Alliance, a Black Trans-led LGBTQ center on the South Side of Chicago.
let us fight for all beings and for the dismantling of the white capitalist systems of death, destruction, racism, patriarchy, misogyny, transphobia, and all of their atrocities. there are more of us


In reply to @stragu:matrix.org
Not sure what you mean, Ixquick <OG> ? All I know is that it all depends on each item in there, i.e. what the uploader/rights owner decided the licence should be.
What kind of content will they take down
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgIf I upload a full movie, will they take it down?05:46:16
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgOr is it fair use, since it is not monetized at all05:46:44
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.org(a current film, in the last 5-10 years)05:47:04
@stragu:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his)If it is conventionally copyrighted, I believe it will promptly be taken down. And I don't think it would be particularly wise, given that they are being currently attacked by publishers because they made books more available than usual during the Pandemic -> https://blog.archive.org/2020/07/29/internet-archive-responds-to-publishers-lawsuit/ Putting a copyrighted movie on there could give these trolls more evidence to bring the Archive down.05:49:45
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgYeah, heard about that05:50:42
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgStéphane Guillou / stragu (he/him/his): well, I uploaded one a while ago, and it is still up05:51:21
@ixquick111:matrix.org@ixquick111:matrix.orgHas views05:51:30

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