
Tusky General

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6 May 2018
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagSorry, I did not receive notification18:21:58
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagPassing null would be okay too18:22:09
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagOverload may work but I don't see much gain from it18:22:40
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.org @charlag:matrix.org: Could you take a look at this commit to make sure that it is what we are talking about? :) 18:46:10
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgI'm still not sure how to solve that in AccountActivity though :(18:47:04
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagYeah, that's pretty much what I meant, cool.18:49:11
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWhat's the problem with AccountActivity? You still need to show the picker?18:49:26
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgThe problem is that there is a lot of things we need to reapply there, because who knows, maybe someone wants to follow themeselves from their other account? :P18:53:20
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWhy not lol?18:53:44
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgI mean, reapply after temporarily switching account. And also we should show which account is on the account page. Or maybe just finish AccountActivity after authorizing follow?18:55:09
  • which account is active on AccountActivity, I don't know how to say that properly :P
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagFinishing is fine but why not do the same override as in compose?18:56:48
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagThis temprorary switching is just painful to deal with and probably confusing18:57:09
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgFollow button is most problematic there.18:57:50

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