
Tusky General

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30 Apr 2018
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak! the thing is that mastodon ellipsizes urls at 23 chars and doesn't count additional ones against the character limit 13:48:02
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!so today there are toots you can post from the web ui but not from Tusky13:49:13
@foldl:matrix.orgfoldl joined the room.15:25:38
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagTak! I am complaining again about tests, please don't hate me15:41:57
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!no hate 🙂15:43:09
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagIs it just me or timeline really jumps around when you post new toot?16:44:51
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI've got a question. Before, when you composed a new toot, it refreshed all timelines which made them jump. It sucks. Now I am reworking the thing and I've just added the toot to the top. The thing is, it may be wrong because there may be a gap. I could insert the gap as well but it may be weird. What do you think?18:10:04
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI need to get Conny here, ugh18:10:12
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!by "insert the gap" you mean the "load more" placeholder?18:18:05
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagYep. I've tried it, it seems to work fine18:20:40
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagAnyone knows if we see notifications from people we muted?18:45:51
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A. How should I implement an About Emoji fonts screen?
I already made an HTML file containing information about this, however it's currently stored inside the assets directory although this information could be displayed inside the About screen as well.
But I'm not sure how to properly embed the Apache 2.0 License which is maybe required for Blobmoji (or the parts of it which have been created by Noto Emoji, which is almost everything). I don't know if embedding a link is enough.
For Twemoji a link to their GitHub page with a short explanation should be sufficient.
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A. I already thought about introducing an own Activity for that, but I honestly don't understand how it's implemented correctly. Is it an AppCompatActivity or not? How do I implement the ActionBar? Why does Android studio create so many new files? And so on... 19:04:45
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A. The other option would be to use a library for this stuff. Google even made a Gradle plugin which makes it very easy to add licenses for the Gradle plugins used in a project, but I don't know how to add licenses for non-Gradle-dependencies.
The other library I tried is called.... LicenseAdapter or something like that, but it requires adding a new Activity for that again.
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A. Or I could try to add a collapsible item to the About screen which shows the Apache 2.0 license.
For Twemoji I could do the same with the CC-BY-4.0 license...
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI would go with new entry in the About screen but you should ask ConnyDuck. If you need purely technical guidance on creating an Activity I may help but I pesonally really dislike many activities per project and I think Conny agrees with it now so I would avoid making another one.19:15:29
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI think they're busy now so they didn't join the chat yet :c19:16:00
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI'm sorry that this PR turned to be such a hard thing but it's a HUGE thing and people will love it for sure :319:17:02
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A.Hey - that's the first chance for me to show a larger group of users the Blob fork I made :D19:18:30
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag:D fair enough19:19:54
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A. I just added a notice in the About screen, but I'll need to fix the strings as there's an issue with parentheses included in the hyperlinks 🤦 20:40:59
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI think apart from tests it's done? https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/562 I'm not sure about deleting yet, though.21:34:46
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWould be cool if someone had a look21:35:01
1 May 2018
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduck joined the room.11:10:16
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduck set a profile picture.11:10:52
Download Untitled.png
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckthis is how the Google Play dashboard looks. Somehow we exploded in Brazil :D11:17:00
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A.But as far as I can see, the majority of those new users already uninstalled the app 🤔11:24:20
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 11:27:29

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